A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century – Vol 12 Epilogue
A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century – Vol 12 Epilogue
A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century – Vol 12 Epilogue
Dr. Edward Rice
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Published by
Good Samaritan Baptist Church GSBaptistChurch.com
54 Main St.. Box 99, Dresden, NY 14441
Cover Design and Photographs by:
Edward G. Rice
Principle Scripture Quotations are from the non-copyright
King James Authorized Version
Download in pdf at www.GSBaptistChurch.com/theology
Table of Contents
Volume1 – A Systematic Theology's Prolegomena 5
Volume2 – A Systematic Theology's Bibliology. 10
Volume3 – A Systematic Theology's Theology Proper. 18
Volume4 – A Systematic Theology's Christology. 21
Volume5 – A Systematic Theology's Pneumatology. 25
Volume6 – A Systematic Theology's Anthropology. 27
Volume7 – A Systematic Theology's Hamartiology. 30
Volume8 – A Systematic Theology's Soteriology. 32
Volume9 – A Systematic Theology's Ecclesiology. 36
Volume 10 – A Systematic Theology's Angelology. 42
Volume 11 – A Systematic Theology's Eschatology. 49
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As a USAF retired systems engineer turned Baptist Preacher of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and armed with a staunch belief in the preserved accuracy of the inspired Scriptures, I praise the Lord that he has provided me the unique opportunity to assemble “A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century.”
As a systems engineer for thirty years (since 1972), I focused on systems analysis. Systematic theology has intrigued me ever since my first Bible institute course in 1975. I have amassed multiple systematic theology books and never found one that is wholly Biblical. In 2013 my seminary work at Louisiana Baptist Theological Seminary, under Dr. Steven Pettey, assigned me to read and analyze six volumes of “Systematic Theology” by Lewis Sperry Chafer, the founder and previous president of Dallas Theological Seminary. Initial critique of this neo-evangelical's voluminous, wordy, often unorganized work, answered the question, “Is there not a cause?” A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century is indeed a valid need. It cried out to be written and it was a work that I was privileged to endeavor.
God says he built man with an inner knowledge of the Creator's eternal power and Godhead. Further, God reveals from heaven, to every man, his wrath against all ungodliness. This true Light “lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” The Bible says the righteous God, The LORD of hosts, tries the reins and the heart of every man. The prophet Jeremiah writes of God, “I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” The psalmist says, “my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.” With his tugs on the reins of your heart, you have come far in your studies, be sure that you have come to a knowledge and submissive acceptance of God's only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The beloved Apostle John wrote, “And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”
Every Bible student is encouraged to follow through a list of Bible verses called by some the Romans road to heaven. The believing Bible student is encouraged to memorize them. That quintessential list of verses is John 3:16-19, 36, 5:24, Romans 3:10, 23, 5:8, 12, 18-19, 6:23, and 10:9-13. That last reference is God's formal acceptance policy for your receiving his free gift of salvation and eternal life. Got life? The beloved Apostle John writes, “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” Selah! It is Hebrew for “go-figure”, and it intends that you pause, meditate, and consider what you just read.
After due consideration of the sole source of a systematic theology in Volume 01 – Prolegomena and a Volume 02 – Bibliology, an appropriate course of study would entail the study of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. That is the course of study for Volume 03 – Theology, Volume 04 – Christology and Volume 05 – Pneumatology. Such a discipline establishes a foundation for the other studies of this systematic theology. Volume 06 through 08 pursue the plight and salvation of man with titles Anthropology, Hamartiology, and Soteriology, and finally Volume 09 through 11 pursue the doctrines of the church, angels, and last things, in titles Ecclesiology, Angelology, and Eschatology. The set concludes with a Volume 12 – Epilogue.
When I began work on my Ph.D. in 2014 I set a goal to finish this Systematic Theology for the 21st Century in a five year period. When I finished my Ph.D. in 2017, I reestablished the same goal. This year, after publishing at least a draft of all twelve volumes in 2019, the goal remains. My plea for critique and correction also remains the same. I prefer friendly and constructive critique, but have found the hostile ones to be enlightening and beneficial for rounding out a stronger defense of truth. Feel free to engage in this effort, the many inputs I have received have strengthened the cause.
There is a cause.
This volume contains the introductions and/or conclusions and table of contents for eleven previous volumes of “A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century”:
The organization of this systematic theology follows the traditional structure listed below.
Vol. 01 Prolegomena Vol. 02 Bibliology Vol. 03 Theology Vol. 04 Christology Vol. 05 Pneumatology Vol. 06 Anthropology |
Vol. 07 Hamartiology Vol. 08 Soteriology Vol. 09 Ecclesiology Vol. 10 Angelology Vol. 11 Eschatology Vol. 12 Epilogue |
A Christian, being one who has individually confessed and accepted the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, for their saving, has a quickened, corrected, and personal relationship with the LORD God and Creator. They also have a charge from him that they carefully develop a theology. A theology, again, is a musing about, a consideration of, and an analysis of, (ology) everything that can be known of God (Theos), and of everything that God has done in this his universe. An unregenerate mind is self centered, rebellious, Christ less, and ergo, God less. His pursuit of theology will turn to self worship, (i.e. evolution as it promotes the self made man) and/or creature worship, (worshiping the creature, i.e. stars, images, idols, animals, humans, angels, et al.) more than Creator worship (Rom 1:10). The quickened mind of the born again believer, however, is enlightened and guided away from a self centered theology, into a God centered, Holy Spirit directed theology. But, theology is still the travail assigned to every rational mind. Carefully organizing one's musing about God, when done skillfully, with method and thoroughness, should be called systematic.
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish. Psalm 49:201
As a systems engineer for thirty years (since 1972), I focused on systems analysis. Systematic theology has intrigued me ever since my first Bible institute course in 1975. I have amassed multiple systematic theology books and never found one that is wholly Biblical. In 2013 my seminary work at Louisiana Baptist Theological Seminary, under Dr. Steven Pettey, assigned me to read and analyze six volumes of “Systematic Theology” by Lewis Sperry Chafer, the founder and previous president of Dallas Theological Seminary. My initial critique of this neo-evangelical, voluminous, wordy, often unorganized work, answered the question, “Is there not a cause?2” A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century was indeed a valid need. It cried out to be written and is a work that I needed to endeavor.
Immediately there were four principle flaws that need to be overhauled in previous “systematic theology” works. Previous systematic theologies spent most of their effort systematizing creeds, Roman dogma, philosophies, and “everything that man ever believed about God,” rather than the systematization of Bible revelation. They followed the deceived definition of Dr. Chafer who states that a systematic theology is an unabridged organized rendition of everything ever believed about God. Where is the sole-authority of the Bible in that? For example, the Westminster confession of faith establishes that God unchangeablly decreed every thing that comes to pass... but the Holy Bible employs that prayer changes things,... so can we... and so can God.
One would expect Charles Hodge (1797-1878) to bow to such a Westminster creed, he was a Presbyterian. But when Augustus Strong (1836-1921), an American Baptist minister and Theologian, supports Westminster over the Bible, and Henry C. Thiessen (1883 - 1947), 1947 President of Los Angeles Baptist Theological Seminary, resoundingly supported Westminster over the Bible, and, finally, when Lewis Sperry Chafer, followed suit, it is time to re-write a systematic theology that presents what the Bible reveals over what the creeds state. Present systematic theology works are marred by what the Holy Catholic Church declared as truth. A Biblical one, with the Bible as its sole authority, was direly needed.
Secondly, previous systematic theologies spend effort defending philosophies of man and rationality of man rather than systematizing Bible revelation. All the previous listed theologians spend undo time and effort wrestling with the ontological and teleological proof that there is a God. The Bible spends no effort in such vain philosophies of man. Also, Thiessen, particularly, expends great effort defending the philosophical and Roman Catholic argument that man is only material and immaterial and NOT body, soul and spirit, i.e. a trichotomy in the image of God. In this error, he even calls Holy Scripture, just Paul's opinion.3 Chafer also makes reference to the dichotomy of man, but then later references his trichotomy; again Chafer has proven himself remarkably wordy, unclear, and inconsistent. He wanted to be all things to all denominations, even dispensational at times, but not at the expense of loosing the influential covenant theologians who taught at, and attended, Dallas Theological Seminary. Present systematic theology works are marred by the inclusion of philosophies of man as a source of their truths. A Biblical one, with the Bible as its sole authority, was direly needed.
Thirdly all systematic theologies treated theology as a science. They tried to exalt it by calling it the “Queen of the Sciences”, but they still tried to discover truth by hypothesizing what it might be, exploring their hypothesis until it might be a theory about how God operates and thinks, and then supposing that, when their theory is believed by enough “scholars”, it was a discerned truth. That is how the scientific method discovers laws of natural science. That is the scientific method. It does not work on God who is Super-natural. Theology is not a science nor dare one use the scientific method to find the Truth of God. Once again, A Biblical Systematic Theology, with the Bible as its sole authority, was direly needed.
Lastly Thiessen and Chafer, by their own insistence, have no access to a verbally inspired, inerrant, infallible Holy Bible. They insist that nowhere in the world does such a Bible exist. Both base their systematic theologies on what textual critics, modern translators, and modern scholars thought God meant to say. A true theologian must base all theology on an inerrant, infallible, verbally inspired Holy Bible; it is our sole authority. For Baptists it is the sole authority for all faith and practice, and although we do have a reliably written and translated into English Holy Bible, we did not have a reliably written Systematic Theology in print. With this effort there is now one in print, at least in eprint. Baptist Bible seminaries, colleges, institutes, and students deserve no less, and can take full advantage of this work for no cost, or for minimal print cost. Please advance this availability.
All twelve volumes of a Biblical Systematic Theology for the 21st Century are freely available att www.GSBaptistChurch.com/theology or www.truthaboutthechrist.com. Or they can be bought in print at www.lulu.com/spotlight/GSBaptistChurch .
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Prolegomena (The Preliminary Discussion) section contains the following contents:
Prolegomena Introduction
Who needs to study theology systematically? God supposes that we all do, and Dr. Walter Allan Yoho words that succinctly.
If you recently graduated with honors – Congratulations! If you were recently voted most valuable player on your basketball team – That's great! If you were recently awarded a big salary increase – Good for you! But none of these things is worth getting too excited about. No, there is one thing, only one, that should get a man or a woman really excited.4
Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 9:23-24
The thing that impresses God the most about any given individual is how much that individual is impressed with God. Indeed, it is a tragedy of enormous extent “that he should be so little in our thoughts who sparkles in everything which presents itself to our eyes.”5 But, oh, how our Dear Lord loves to honor and bless that individual that delights himself in the Lord and is altogether taken up with his God!6
Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.
Isaiah 58:14
That one needs to study God is instinctive in our nature. That one should do it systematically is required by the immensity of the subject. The wise preacher has said:
I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem. And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.... And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.... I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it. He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
Eccl 1:12,17-18, 3:10-11
The Systematic Theology for the 21st century needs a Prolegomena. Prolegomena is a preliminary discussion, especially a formal essay introducing a work of considerable length or complexity. Prolegomena comes from the Greek, “Prolegein” – meaning to say before hand.7 Such an introduction essay to a systematic theology, is necessary here to set some pre-conditions, to scope out the formidable task, and, in this instance especially, to redefine the “system” in “systematic” and differentiate this effort from the many other works of this nature.
Theology is the compounding of two words, “theos” for God, and “ology” for a verbose, exhaustively researched, consideration of, a meditation on, a discussion about, and a communication of, its topic. Theology is thus an exhaustively covered presentation of everything that could be known about God and everything that God has done. Knowing everything under the sun is a pretty daunting task.
The travail given to man by God is to seek and search out all things that are done under heaven. (Eccl. 1:13, 3:10). All rational minds are to be exercised in this travail. By God's grace and his wisdom this impossible travail turns into joy, when our relationship with him is made right through the new-birth8 in our Lord Jesus Christ. A systematic theology is a supreme culmination of that joy. The systematic gathering, categorizing, and analyzing of everything that God has revealed to man could indeed be a great travail. It is a task that can naught be completed, and, because it is the finite grappling with the infinite, it can not be fully successful. It is, however, the exertion given to the sons of men, and one dare not slack from its calling. Every effort is herein made to cause this exhaustive task to be less of a “sore travail” and more of a “no greater joy.”
I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men, to be exercised in it. He hath made everything beautiful in his time: Also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end... I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
Ecc. 3:10, 3John 1:4
Every rational thinking human is developing a theology. God created humans with that inborn propensity. In its basest form theology is man's musing about God. God implanted such musing in every rational mind. What think ye of God the creator? What think ye of Christ? What think ye of sin? What think ye of the fall of Lucifer? What think ye of “So great Salvation?”
Hear, O Israel; the LORD our God is one LORD; and thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou settist in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way: and when thou liest down and when thou risest up (Deut. 6:4-7).
What think ye of God? What think ye of His Words? In a less raw form, theology must be more than musing about God, it must take on a more organized pattern and a more thorough consideration of God centered things. …
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century Vol 1 Prolegomena 1
Introduction 1
Four Flaws in Previous Works 2
Why Baptists Use Only the Authorized King James Bible 4
The Issue of the Copyrights. 5
The Four Superiorities of the Authorized Version: 6
Copyright Bibles Must Be “Significantly Different” 7
The Thees and Thous of an Accurate Bible Translation 15
Prolegomena 17
Theology is for Everyone 20
Why Systematic? 22
Theology Is Not a Science 23
Theology Has Not Been Systematic 27
Consider the System In Systematic 31
Systematic Is Accomplished With Actual Systems 32
Systematically Based On a Solid Bible Doctrine 40
The New Improved Systematic Methodology 45
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Bibliology (The Doctrine of Bible) section contains the following contents:
Bibliology Conclusion
“The author who benefits you most is not the one who tells you something you did not know before, but the one who gives expression to the truth that has been dumbly struggling in you for utterance.”9 Bibliology is the study of our Holy Bible, just what it is that we hold in our hand, and Bibliology has its heart in understanding inspiration of ALL Scripture. The author who most benefits the understanding of inspiration is Francois Samuel Robert Louis Gaussen. One-hundred and seventy-six years ago L. Gaussen wrote the premier dissertation on Bible inspiration called “Theopneustia.” From his 1840 publication of this work, every diabolical attack against God's inerrant, infallible, verbally inspired Holy Bible has been flagged and Christianity has been amply forewarned. His coverage is that thorough.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
2Timothy 3:16-17
Why did the fifty-seven highly skilled linguists, employed and paid by King James from 1603 through 1611, translate this Greek phrase “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.” The English word inspiration, carefully avoided by each ecumenical and modern bible translator, incorporates in its definition breath of life, as well as influence and stimulation of mind, feeling, and emotion, in order to produce an activity. It was also specifically crafted incorporating the word spirit. Indeed the English word inspiration is formed and framed around the concept contained in the Greek word theopneustia. There is no better English capture of this concept. God created and breathed out the very wording of every sentence of what is written down as Scripture.
The word inspiration, avoided by copyright conscious translators, is justly lacking a thorough definition. Inspiration is a miracle and its definition would entail explanation of what and how the miracle unfolds. No one better captures this conundrum than does Gaussen.
This miraculous operation of the Holy Ghost had not the sacred writers themselves for its object - for these were only his instruments, and were soon to pass away; but that its objects were the holy books themselves, which were destined to reveal from age to age, to the Church, the counsels of God, and which were never to pass away. ...
The power then put forth on those men of God, and of which they themselves were sensible only in very different degrees, has not been precisely defined to us. Nothing authorizes us to explain it. Scripture has never presented either its manner or its measure as an object of study. ... What they say, they tell us, is theopneustic: their book is from God. ...
Were we asked, then, how this work of divine inspiration has been accomplished in the men of God, we should reply, that we do not know; that it does not behove us to know; and that it is in the same ignorance, and with a faith quite of the same kind, that we receive the doctrine of the new birth and sanctification of a soul by the Holy Ghost. We believe that the Spirit enlightens that soul, cleanses it, raises it, comforts it, softens it. We perceive all these effects; we admire and we adore the cause; but we have found it our duty to be content never to know the means by which this is done. Be it the same, then, with regard to divine inspiration.... (in faith) we have to do with the book, and not with the man (who wrote). It is the book that is inspired, and altogether inspired: to be assured of this ought to satisfy us.10
There is little more to be said about what inspiration is, than what Gaussen captures with excellence. His 360 page 150 year old public domain defense of the doctrine of inspiration stands alone. His thorough coverage is perfect for a Bibliology in a systematic theology which hangs on the inerrant, infallible, verbally inspired word of God for its sole authority.
Excerpts of Gaussen's Theopneustia cannot override the importance of evaluating his whole dissertation. That dissertation is included in its entirety in chapter four of this Bibliology.
When one understands Gaussen's thorough explanation of inspiration, it is easy to understand the gross errors of Bible critics and Bible correctors who suppose that only the original manuscripts, written by the pen's of the original authors, were inspired. Chafer states his objection to the doctrine of inspiration succinctly, “The claim for verbal, plenary inspiration is made only for the original writings and does not extend to any transcriptions or translations.”11 That false objection goes forward to contend that there is now no inspired Bible in existence anywhere in the world. Chafer himself continues: “It is also true that no original manuscript is now available.” Chafer admits these two statements as indisputable facts. Shame on him. This false reasoning, that there is no inspired Bible in existence today, has engulfed all of Christendom and emboldened version makers to ignore, modify, and delete God's inspired words with wholesale abandon.
Gaussen exposed this errant thinking while Brook Foss Westcott (1825-1903) and Fenton JohnAnthony Hort (1828-1892) were just teenagers. Just the same the wide gate and broad path of Christendom followed after the brazen error. Bible critics and textual critics supposed that old manuscripts from Alexandria Egypt were most representative of such imagined and lost “original inspired manuscripts.” Defending God's Holy Scripture from the pen-knifes of these critics is an important part of our Bibliology today. Herein several chapters are dedicated to this defense and enlightenment.
The translation of the Holy Bible to the English language is also key to having an adequate Bibliology. The examination of what the copyright seeking Bible critics have done to their copyright English versions has aptly communicated that the Authorized version is the only accurate version of God's Holy Bible for English speaking people. The Wycliffe Bible translation is examined briefly to better expose the miracle of that Authorized version, and the importance of the original languages is reviewed, emphasizing that inspiration transcends translations, but cannot replace the originals tongues.
Lastly, in a thorough Bibliology, the Canon of Scripture and its proper hermeneutic is important. The Canon of Scripture with a dependence on God and not on man, especially not on “Church Fathers” (so called), is essential to a good Bibliology, and exposure to Christendoms inadequate interpretation of Bible truths, is just as essential. The Mother Roman Catholic Church has spread an allegorical method into every corner of Protestantism and an exposure of their lie solidifies a Christian Bible hermeneutic.
A good Bibliology is essential to a good Systematic Theology. The sole source of our theology must be the inerrant, infallible, verbally inspired Holy Word of God, and understanding just what that is, and how to come about it, is the work of Bibliology. God blesses its thoroughness in ones theology. …
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
Volume 02 Bibliology 8
Chapter 1 - What is Bibliology? 8
Chapter 2 - The Holy Bible, Some Background 13
Amazing Bible Facts and Statistics 16
The Thees and Thous of an Accurate Bible Translation 18
Chapter 3 Inspiration 22
Inspiration – A Designed Word 23
Reading Gaussen's Theopneustia - Essential to Bibliology 27
Chapter 4 Theopneustia by L. Gaussen 29
Theopneustia by L. Gaussen 30
Translator's Preface. 31
Prefatory Observations. 33
I. Definition of Theopneustia 45
Section I. 45
Section II. 46
Section III. 47
Section IV. 52
Section V. On the Individuality of the Sacred Writers. 56
II. Scriptural Proof of the Divine Inspiration. 74
Section I. All Scripture is Divinely Inspired. 74
Section II. All the Prophetic Utterances are Given by God. 75
Section III. All the Scriptures of the Old Testament are Prophetic. 81
Section IV. All the Scriptures of the New Testament are Prophetic. 86
Section V. The Examples of the Apostles and of their Master Attest that, in their Views ALL the Words of the Holy Books are Given by God. 100
III Brief Didactic Abstract of the Doctrine of the Divine Inspiration. 114
Section I. Catechetical Sketch of the Main Points of the Docrtine. 114
Section II. On the Adversaries and Defenders of the Doctrine. 142
IV. Examination of Objections. 153
Section I. The Translations. 153
Section II. Use of the Septuagint Translation. 159
Section III. The Various Readings. 162
Various Readings. First Table. 173
Second Table. 174
Third Table. Griesbach's Corrections, Extending to the Whole of the Epistle to the Romans. 176
Section IV. Errors of Reasoning or of Doctrine. 191
Section V. Errors in the Narratives – Contradictions in the Facts 199
Section VI. Errors Contrary to Natural Philosophy. 229
Section VII. The Declarations of Paul Himself. 252
V. Examination of Evasions. 256
Section I. Might Not Inspiration Pertain to the Thoughts Only, Without Extending to the Words? 256
Section II. Should We Except From Inspiration the Historical Books? 265
Section III. Will the Apparent Insignificance of Certain Details In the Bible Authorize Their Being Excepted From Inspiration? 282
VI. On Sacred Criticism, in the Relations it Bears to Divine Inspiration. 297
Section I. Sacred Criticism is a Scientific Inquirer, and Not a Judge. 297
Section II. Let Sacred Criticism be an Historian, Not a Soothsayer. 302
Section III. Sacred Criticism is the Doorkeeper of the Temple, Not its God. 307
VII. Conclusion. 318
Section I. Retrospect. 318
Section II. 322
Chapter 5 Inspiration of ALL SCRIPTURE 331
“All Scripture” - Is Fissured by Scholars-So-Called. 331
“All Scripture” is Copied, none is Autograph. 332
“All Scripture” Is Preserved by God, not by man 334
Chapter 6 A Defense of Twenty Verses Erased from the NIV & NASB 343
Defense of Twenty Section 1 Introduction 343
Defense of Twenty Section 2 The Bible Doctrine That Textual Critics Abandoned 344
Defense of Twenty Section 3 The Twenty Verses Textual Critics Ripped Out 350
Chapter 7 Defense of First John Five Seven 368
I John 5:7 Is In My Holy Bible 368
The Evidence That The Apostle John Penned The 'Heavenly Witness' 374
Chapter 8 Verbal Inspiration vs Modernist Paraphrase 380
The Gideons Bible Compromised 382
Inspiration vs Modernist Paraphrase Paraphrase Changes the Words. 386
Inspiration vs Modernist Paraphrase NAS's Dynamic Equivalence in Matthew 24 391
Inspiration vs Modernist Paraphrase Subjective Word Substitutions 392
Inspiration vs Modernist Paraphrase Awkward Confusion of Tenses 393
Inspiration vs Modernist Paraphrase The Weaker 'Will' Replacing the Legal 'Shall' 395
Inspiration vs Modernist Paraphrase Inconsistency Produces Confusion 396
Inspiration vs Modernist Paraphrase Conclusion 398
Matthew 24 Comparison Table 398
Chapter 9 The Bible Cannon 416
The Baptist Canon of “All Scripture.” 419
The Old Testament Baptist Canon. 419
The New Testament Baptist Canon. 425
The Canon of Scripture – Parting Thoughts 427
Chapter 10 Christian Biblical Hermeneutics 429
A Historical Overview of Hermeneutics. 432
Jewish Exegesis 433
The School of Alexandria 435
School of Antioch 437
Hermeneutics - Believe What Jesus Believed 439
Hermeneutics and the Premillennial Return of Christ and the Pretribulational Rapture of the Church 442
Hermeneutics Conclusion 445
Chapter 11 The Word Became Wycliffe's Middle English 447
Wycliffe's Middle English -The Cost of Translating 448
The Holy Bible, From The Latin to Middle English 452
Wycliffe's Bible Exposes Catholic Corruptions 455
Wycliffe's Translation and Corrupted Repentance 459
Wycliffe's Translation and Corrupted Presbyterian 464
Wycliffe and the Pure Words of God 466
The Word Became 1611 King James English 472
The Word Became Wycliffe's Middle English - Conclusion 475
Chapter 12 In Defense of Learning Greek 476
Some Improperly Frown on the Greek 477
Fundamentalist's Need of Greek Studies 478
In Defense of Learning Greek The Linguistic Advantage 481
In Defense of Learning Greek Scholarship Advantage 485
In Defense of Learning Greek the Brain's Advantage. 487
In Defense of Learning Greek Conclusion 492
Chapter 13 A Critique of Dr. Chafer's Bibliology 494
Chafer's Bibliology Is Fractured Badly 495
Chafer's Lacking Organization and Structure 498
Chafer's Elaborated Use of English 500
Chapter 14 Bibliology Conclusion 503
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Theology Proper (The Doctrine of God) section contains the following contents:
Theology Proper Conclusion
Theology proper is the thorough study of God. It has been designated proper to delineate it as a study of the Godhead rather than the larger study of God, the revealed works that he has done, is doing, and shall do, i.e. the whole study of Theism that we are systematically engaged in. In theology proper one is engaged in a study of everything one needs to know about God the Father himself, and everything one therein needs to know, has been revealed in God's completed revelation to man, the Holy Bible. Realizing that God is infinite, and man is finite is to realize that knowing God will always be finite and limited, and thus limited here to what man “needs to know.”
Romans 11:33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
Such a study first considers the sixty six books, written by forty men, over a period of 1,592 years, to be the inerrant, infallible, verbally inspired Word of God, and to be the sole source of all theology, particularly here for theology proper. Thus, what man naturally knows about God is not discovered by examination of the philosopher's ontological or teleological argument, nor by man's anthropological or cosmological reasoning, but by examining what God's word says that man naturally knows about God. It declares that God himself has placed inside of man a natural knowledge of God and his wrath against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, that our Lord Jesus Christ is a light that ligheth every man that cometh into the world, and that “I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings” (Jeremiah 17:10). These three revelations mark all of the naturalistic theology one needs to systematically delve into.
Likewise what God knew, what God planned, and what God programmed before the foundation of the world is not discovered by examining a logical, philosophical creed declaring what he must have known, or detailing the decrees of God compiled by some genius theologian of the past. It is discovered by looking into the perfect law of liberty. Therein one sees a Sovereign God who has given some measure of sovereignty to man; therein one sees a God who repents of some of his own decrees thus responding to that delegated sovereignty in man, and therein one sees, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
In these two venues alone one can see the importance of using the Bible as a sole authority for our theology, and one can see the failures of previous theology works that did not. Know God. Study God. Study not on the basis of visions, or feelings, or logical reasoning, or ideas of men, or even ideas of genius theologians of bygone days, but on the basis of what he has revealed about himself in the sixty-six books called the Holy Bible. That study alone causes that he must increase, and I must decrease. This chapter of that study has only outlined some of the important things that one can know about God from that revelation, and it constitutes the opening of a door, that you may know God. Important in this doorway are the names of God, the existence of God, the nature of God, the attributes of God, and the Fatherhood of God, and each of these was found well documented in Dr. Cambron's “Bible Doctrines” book. Again keep in mind:
The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
Deuteronomy 29:29
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
Volume 3 Theology Proper 9
Chapter 1 Where did God come from? 13
Chapter 2 A Proper Theology Proper 15
Chapter 3 A Proper Naturalistic Theism 19
Chapter 4 Theology Proper in Bible Doctrine 24
Cambron's Ch 1 Theology (The Doctrine of God) 25
I. The Names and Titles Of God 26
II. The Existence of God 33
III. The Nature of God. 36
IV. The Attributes of God. 46
V. The Fatherhood of God. 65
Chapter 5 Critique of Other Systematic Theology Works 70
Critique of Chafer's Chapter 10-13 Theology Proper (129-180) 70
Critique of Chafer's Chapter 14 The Attributes of God (187-224) 71
Critique of Chafer's Chapter 15 Divine Decrees (pg. 225-259) 75
Critique of Chafer's Chapter 16 The Names of Deity (260-271) 77
Critique of Chafer's Chapter 17-19 Trinitarianism (272-317) 77
Chapter 6 Theology Proper Conclusion 79
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Christology (The Doctrine of Christ ) section contains the following contents:
Christology Conclusion
Christology is such a prominent, perhaps preeminent, consideration in theology, that these hundred pages seem introductory, and the study of our Lord Jesus Christ will never be complete. One will not grow in the knowledge of God, without first growing in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Jesus puts it, “Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” (John 14:9-12).
When you read your Bible find Christ on every page. When you spend an hour in prayer, find him listening to every word. When you make your conversation with your neighbor, include him as a centerpiece. Make much of our Lord Jesus Christ, and he can make much of you. Again this study is but an introduction for the greatest study ever undertaken.
In the last verse of his Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Apostle John put it thus, "And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.... And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen" (John 20:30-31, 21:25) …
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
Volume 4 Christology - The Doctrine of Christ 1
Chapter 1 – Christology Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Christology in Bible Doctrine. 4
Cambron's Ch II Christology (The Doctrine of Christ) 5
I. Names and Titles of Christ. 6
A. Jesus. 7
B. Christ. 10
C. Messiah. 11
D. Lord. 11
E. Jesus Christ. 13
F. Christ Jesus. 13
G. The Lord Jesus Christ. 13
H. I Am. 13
I. The Son of God. 14
J. The Son of Man. 15
K. The Son of Abraham. 15
L. The Son of David. 16
M. The Son of the Highest. 16
N. Second Man. 16
O. Last Adam. 16
P. The Word. 16
Q. Emmanuel. 17
R. Saviour. 17
S. Rabbi. 17
T. Rabboni. 17
U. Master. 17
Chapter 3 – Christ The “I AM” and Modernist Deletions 19
The “I AM” references of Christ 19
The Modernist bibles vs Names of Christ 26
Chapter 4 – The Incarnation of Christ 30
Cambron's Christology Section II. The Incarnation of Christ. 30
A. The Fact of the Incarnation. 31
B. The Manner of the Incarnation. 32
C. The Objections to the Incarnation. 35
D. The Objects of the Incarnation. 38
E. The Perpetuity of the Incarnation. 41
F. The Proofs of the Incarnation. 42
The Wolves Without Attack 43
The Wolves Within Attack 44
Chapter 5 – The Two Natures of Christ – Cambron's III. 47
A. The Humanity of Christ. 48
B. The Deity of Christ. 52
C. The Blending of the Two Natures in One Person. 58
D. Errors Concerning the Two Natures of Christ. 58
Chapter 6 - Christ's Human Limitations and Kenosis 61
Chapter 7 – The Death of Christ – Cambron's IV. 72
A. The Fact of the Death. 72
B. The Form of the Death. 73
C. Unscriptural Theories Concerning the Death. 74
D. Scriptural Names of Christ’s Death. 76
E. The Objectives of the Death. 77
F. The Extent of the Death. 78
G. The Results of the Death. 79
Chapter 8 – The Resurrection of Christ – Cambron's V. 82
A. The Importance of the Resurrection. 82
B. The Meaning of the Resurrection. 84
C. The Unscriptural Theories Concerning the Resurrection. 84
D. The Proofs of the Resurrection. 86
E. The Result of the Resurrection. 89
Chapter 9 – The Ascension and Enthronement of Jesus Christ – Cambron's VI. 92
A. The Meaning of the Ascension and Enthronement. 92
B. The Message of the Ascension and Enthronement. 93
C. The Nature of the Ascension and Enthronement. 94
D. The Necessity of the Ascension and Enthronement. 94
E. The Purpose of the Ascension and Enthronement. 95
F. The Results of the Ascension and Enthronement. 96
Chapter 10 – Critique of other Systematic Theology Christology Works 97
Critique of John Miley's 1892 Methodist Christology 97
Miley's Chap V. Leading Errors In Christology. 99
Answering Miley – Kenosis Does Harmonize Scripture 118
Critique of Charles Hodge's 1878 Presbyterian Christology 121
Critique of Augustus Strong's 1907 “Baptist” Christology 122
Critique of Thiessen's 1949 “Baptist” Christology 127
Thiessen's Christology 130
Thiessen's Little Value Added 131
Critique of Chafer's 1948 Christology 131
Dr Chafer's Introduction to The Pre-incarnate Christ 135
Dr Chafer's seven fold divisions of Christology 137
Dr. Chafer's "The Second Advent of Christ Incarnate" 142
+Critique of Geisler's 2002 Christology 144
Chapter 11 – Harmony of The Life of Christ 147
Chapter 12 – Christology Conclusion 161
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Pneumatology (The Doctrine of Holy Spirit) section contains the following contents:
Pneumatology Conclusion
The Holy Ghost, as a person of the trinity, plays a significant role in God's relation with humanity. A holistic study of his person and that role is the purpose of pneumatology. In John 16 the Lord Jesus Christ expounds the role of the Holy Ghost for the New Testament believer. He declares that when he goes away he will send “another Comforter” which is the Holy Spirit of God. Thus the Holy Ghost will henceforth be the one who will 1) reprove the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, 2) guide believers into all truth, and 3) be the new “Comforter” which consoles, identifies ones best interests, and becomes our representative, leader, and friend. These roles were fulfilled by God in the Old Testament, by Christ when he ministered in the flesh, and now are assigned to the Holy Ghost under the title “Comforter.” The doctrine surrounding the Holy Ghost is vast but well outlined herein; the role of the Holy Ghost is misunderstood and misrepresented in the era of modernism; and the true filling of the Holy Ghost is dearth in fundamentalism. Pneumatology is worthy of additional study. …
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
Volume 5 Pnematology The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 6
Chapter 1 Pnematology Introduction 6
The Holy Ghost vs The Holy Spirit of God 10
The “Comforter” Is The Best English Word 13
Chapter 2 Cambron's Doctrine of the Holy Ghost (Pneumatology) 16
I. Personality of the Holy Spirit 17
II. The Deity of the Holy Spirit 21
III. The Work of the Holy Spirit 24
Chapter 3 The Baptism of vs The Filling of the Holy Ghost 53
Finney's Ch 1 Power From On High 53
Finney's Ch 2 What Is It? 57
Finney's Ch 3 The Enduement of The Spirit 62
Chapter 4 Holiness – Pentecostal Movement Touching Pneumatology 64
The Bible and the Role of the Woman. 70
The Woman's Role in Home, Church, and Society 74
Chapter 5 Other Systematic Theologies on Pneumatology 75
Charles Hodge's Systematic Theology Touching Pneumatology 75
Augustus H. Strong's Systematic Theology Touching Pneumatology 78
Charles Finney's Systematic Theology Touching Pneumatology 81
Henry Clarence Thiessen's 1949 “Baptist” Pneumatology 82
Thiessen's Pneumatology 85
Thiessen's Little Value Added 86
Lewis Sperry Chafer's Systematic Theology Touching Pneumatology 86
Chapter 6 Pneumatology Conclusion 89
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Anthropology (The Doctrine of Man) section contains the following contents:
Anthropology Conclusion
In a Biblical systematic theology anthropology is not “the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings”12 but it is a study of all that God reveals about man in his inerrant, infallible, verbally inspired Holy Bible. That differentiates this anthropology from previous systematic theologies. Believing that God says what he means, and means what he says, allows the straight forward examination of man's origin, his existence in his state of integrity, in his state of sin and in his state of grace.
Other considerations in this anthropology involve untangling previous misconceptions that have been interwoven into theology and doctrine books. The Bible depicts seven dispensations where-in man is tested and found wanting in his stewardship. This teaching is despised and rejected by Roman, Orthodox, and Protestant teachers who hold to some form of a replacement theology and covenant theology instead of the Bible's depiction of these dispensations. This mishandling of truth and propagation of error always muddies the water. The Bible student readily finds the many covenants that God makes with man, and can readily dismiss a covenant theologians supposition that there is a single covenant wherein the catholic church circumvents God's covenant with Abraham, Israel, and David.
Further, the Bible depicts man's depravity but falls short of the “Total Depravity” held to by Presbyterians and other followers of John Calvin. Their total depravity concept also stems from the covenant theologians supposition that a catholic church becomes the new “elect of God” and replaces God's chosen people Israel. In a Biblical examination the depravity of man addresses only the natural condition of unregenerate man in regards to his moral perversion or his impairment of virtue and moral principles.
A Biblical anthropology must first accept God's Word as its source of truth, and that Word details the creation of man in God's six day creation account. There need not be a great study to undermine the atheistic supposition of evolution in a Biblical anthropology, nor a compromised idea of a gap, nor an extravagant idea about half-breed angles, all one needs is the faith to know that God says what he means and means what he says. The Bible doctrine of man is thus, relatively straight forward. …
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century – Vol 6 Anthropology 1
Chapter 1 – Introduction 1
Chapter 2 – Cambron's Chap IV Anthropology -The Doctrine of Man 4
I. Man In His State of Integrity 5
II. Man In His State of Sin 14
III. Man In His State of Grace 19
Chapter 3 – A Six Day Creation 25
Six Days With No Evolution 28
Six Days With No Gap 31
Six Days, No Gap, No Half-breed Angels But a Depraved Humanity 39
Chapter 4 – The Depravity of Man 42
Chapter 5 – The Seven Dispensations for Mankind 50
The First Dispensation – Innocence 58
The Second Dispensation – Conscience 59
The Third Dispensation – Government 60
The Fourth Dispensation – Promise 61
The Fifth Dispensation – Law 62
The Sixth Dispensation – Grace and Truth 64
The Seventh Dispensation – The Kingdom 66
Chapter 6 – Critique of Other Systematic Theology – Anthropologies 69
Critique of Augustus Strong's Anthropology 69
Critique of Chafer's Anthropology 72
Critique of Chafers Material/Immaterial Part of Man 78
Critique of Chafer's State of Innocence and Fall 78
A Critique of Augustus H. Strong's 1907 Systematic Theology – Anthropology 80
A Critique of Charles Hodge's 1871 Systematic Theology – Anthropology 83
A Critique of Norman L. Geisler's 2002 Systematic Theology – Anthropology 83
Chapter 7 – Anthropology Conclusion 84
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Hamartiology (The Doctrine of Sin) section contains the following contents:
Hamartiology Conclusion
All have sinned, all we like sheep have gone astray, there is non righteous, no not one. Sin, in Greek “hamartia,” must be understood, or at least acknowledged, before one can pursue God's solution. In J Thornton's one-hundred-and-eighty year old publication “Repentance”13 it is well established that a truly penitent one will not only acknowledge that he is a sinner, but will, with contrition, acknowledge that he deserves the full punishment that attaches to his condemnation. Because of sin, man stands condemned to eternal death and that death includes the burning and torment of an eternal hell. “But God commended his love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8)
In this study of sin Dr. Cambron expanded the origin, reality, nature, extent, realm, and penalty of sin. That doctrine of sin is thorough. …
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
Volume 7 Hamartiology – The Doctrine of Sin. 5
Chapter 1 Hamartiology Introduction 6
Chapter 2 The Genesis of Sin. 8
In the Beginning. 8
Before the Flood. 9
After the flood. 11
In the Seed-Line of Christ. 14
Jacob's Sons Become Israel 16
In a Trace Through the Whole Old Testament 18
Chapter 3 Cambron's Hamartiology 20
I. The Origin of Sin 22
II. The Reality of Sin 22
III. The Nature of Sin 23
IV. The Extent of Sin 26
V. The Realm of Sin 27
VI. The Penalty of Sin 27
Chapter 4 Etymology of Sin. 31
The Hebrew Words for Sin 32
The Use of Khat-taw' as “Intensively” From the Root 34
The Hebrew Word for Abomination 37
The Hebrew Word for Wicked and Evil 42
The Hebrew Word for Iniquity 43
The Hebrew Word for Ungodly 43
Etymology of Sin in Greek 44
Chapter 5 Critique of Dr. Chafer's Hamartiology. 45
Chapter 6 Hamartiology Conclusion 48
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Soteriology (The Doctrine of Salvation) section contains the following contents:
Soteriology Conclusion
How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will? Heb 2:3-414
Salvation is the miraculous rescue and restoration of a wholly lost estate. Man's broken relationship with his Creator is the wholly lost estate, and only the Lord Jesus Christ, who said I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh to the father but by me (John 14:6), can rescue and restore that estate. Indeed, how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved (Acts4:12). Salvation first began to be spoken by the Lord when he told Nicodemus That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:15). And it was confirmed unto us by the apostles, John concluding “And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name” (John 20:30-31). And God bear them witness as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. Truly for the student of God's Word, so great salvation is worthy of extended study and analysis.
In this section on soteriology, the doctrine of salvation, through the eyes of Dr. Cambron and his doctrine book we have examined the doctrine of repentance and faith, the doctrine of regeneration, justification, and sanctification and then the doctrine of adoption, redemption and prayer. A solid doctrinal position is essential to a strong Biblical systematic theology. In chapter 3 we explored the alterations of modernist ecumenical bibles which alter, for ecumenical modernists, the Biblical doctrine of salvation. In chapter 4 an extensive coverage of the error of Calvinism is delineated, drawn directly from Dr. Fielder's book, and in chapter 5 we cover how the instantaneous occurrence of five ingredients of genuine salvation, conversion, justification, quickening, indwelling, and immersion into Christ, focuses a light on errors in many of the man made models for salvation. A critique of other systematic theology works then exposes some of the gross misunderstandings and miscommunications about so great salvation. Finally Calvinism's assertion that God chose souls for salvation and souls for hell fire before the foundation of the earth, and Arthur Pinks strong defense of such a philosophy is refuted.
This marks a solid beginning for a good systematic study of soteriology, but it is only a beginning, soteriology being a major theme of God's holy revealed Word. …
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century – Vol 8 Soteriology 1
Chapter 1 Soteriology Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Soteriology from a Bible Doctrine 15
Cambron's Ch VI Soteriology - The Doctrine of Salvation 17
I. Repentance 17
II. Faith 20
III. Regeneration 21
IV. Justifiaction 24
V. Sanctification 27
VI. Adoption 32
VII. Redemption 33
VIII. Prayer 35
Chapter 3 Ecumenical Bibles Change Soteriology 45
Chapter 4 Bible Truth on Calvinism 53
John Calvin 62
Observations 69
What is The TULIP? 77
“T” The Doctrine of Total Depravity 78
“U” Unconditional Election 98
“L” Limited Atonement 115
“I” Irresistible Grace 130
“P” Perseverance of The Saints 142
Final Questions for the Calvinist 145
Conclusion 162
Another Consideration Editorial 165
Chapter 5 Understandings About So Great Salvation 168
Understanding The Biblical New Birth Clarifies Doctrines about Sacraments, Election, and Perseverance of Saints. 168
I Introduction 169
II A Biblical Model of the New Birth 172
III The Instantaneous Transaction of Conversion 176
IV The Instantaneous Transaction of Regeneration 182
V The Instantaneous Transaction of Justification 184
VI The Instantaneous Baptism Into Christ 186
VII The Instantaneous Indwelling of The Holy Spirit 191
VIII The conflict with the philosophy of Sacraments 192
IX The conflict with the philosophy of Calvinism 195
X The conflict with the philosophy of Armenianism 199
XI John Calvin's Thinking About the Order of Justification and Regeneration 200
XII Conclusion 207
Imputed Righteousness 213
Semi-Pelagianism and Pelagianism 215
Chapter 6 Critique of other Systematic Theology Soteriology Works 217
Critique of John Miley's 1892 Methodist Soteriology 218
Critique of Charles Hodge's 1878 Soteriology 222
Critique of Augustus Strong's 1907 Soteriology 222
Critique of Theisens' 1949 Soteriology 223
Coursework For TH503 Systematic Theology III Soteriology 226
Assignment: TH503 Systematic Theology III 226
Supplemental Reading Report - Soteriology 227
Q&A From Chapter 21 The Purpose, Plan, and Method of God pg 275-282 236
Detailed Chapter Outlines – TH503 Systematic Theology III 276
Outlines of Chapter 24 The Person of Christ: The Two Natures and the Character of Christ pg 299-311 280
Appendix What Is Covenant Theology 288
Appendix Covenant Theology 290
Appendix Replacement Theology 291
Appendix Covenant Theology Versus Dispensationalism 292
Critique of Geisler's 2002 Soteriology 302
Critique of Chafer's Volume III Soteriology Introduction 304
Dallas Theological Seminary President successor Praises Chafer's Work 305
Troublesome Independent Fundamental Baptist's Leaning Toward Chafer 307
Dr. DaveT's Comments & Response 308
Critique of Chafer's Vol. III Soteriology Chap. II 311
Critique of Chafer's Vol. III Soteriology Chap. III - VII 313
Critique of Chafer's Vol. III Soteriology Conclusion 315
Critique of Arthur W. Pink's “Present Day Evangelism” 317
Chapter 7 Soteriology Conclusion 319
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Ecclesiology (The Doctrine of the Church) section contains the following contents:
Ecclesiology Conclusion
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church (1577 εκκλησια ekklesia ek-klay-see’-ah); and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:16-18)1
Ecclesiology is the doctrine of the ecclesia, translated to English as the Church. The origin of the word Church comes from the Greek word kuriakos, meaning "the Lord's house." The English definition was extended to some extent to make it capture the full concept of Christ's Ecclesia. It had to capture that the Ecclesia is "a called out and assembled body of believers," i.e. believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Three integral parts of this basic definition need to be emphasized. The Church is "called out", it is "assembled", and it is "a body." The King James Bible consistently translates the Greek word 1577 εκκλησια ekklesia ek-klay-see’-ah “church” one-hundred-and-fifteen times, and appropriately translates it assembly three times in Acts 19:32, 39, 41.
The Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant theology and doctrine have all and always considered the church to be one united catholic, universal, entity, The Holy Catholic Church, originated in The Holy Roman Catholic Church. After Protestants broke from their mother, The Holy Roman Catholic Church there was consternation about this doctrine and many devised a solution whereby the Holy Catholic Church was... invisible, but still Catholic.
Baptists have historically held to the Biblical view that the church is a local, independent, autonomous body with no denominational head, only Christ is head of the church. The corporate body of Christ being built and referenced in Matthew 16:18, is not a Holy Roman Catholic Church, nor a Holy Catholic Protestant Church, nor an invisible Catholic Church. It was seen in soteriology that a genuine born-again-saved individual is by the miraculous power of God, instantaneously converted, justified, quickened, indwelt, and baptized into Christ. In the latter of the simultaneous, instantaneous acts the individual is wholly immersed (baptized) into the corporate body of Christ and is made one with him. In this world that believer is called upon to be baptized and united with other believers in a local, independent, autonomous body called a church and continue in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship (Acts 2:40-41). There is no unified, universal, catholic church with a visible or invisible, human or denominational head otherwise involved in this operation.
That local church doctrine is espoused in this work, but before detailing it, and distinguishing it, it is important to understand the historical background of why Christendom went through the wide gate and travels on the broad way of the Roman Catholic Church, its Covenant Theology and its Replacement Theology.
Without understanding the errors of Covenant Theology, and grasping the truths of Biblical Dispensationalism, it is quite impossible to comprehend Biblical ecclesilogy. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ has a beginning and founding in the Lord Jesus Christ, and an ending that is pending in its rapture before the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Grant and Ironside both give superb exposition of Jesus' prophetic history of the church given in Revelation 2-3, and that stands in stark contrast to any Roman Catholic Church history.
Satan in The Holy Roman Catholic Church has formed and guided hallmarks of error that assault Biblical ecclesiology. The church of our Lord Jesus Christ is not "Holy Roman", "Wholly Roman" nor "Catholic", united under an infallible human Pope. When Protestants crawled out from under their Roman Pope they kept Satan's leaven that the church is still catholic. Reformed theologians knocked heads about how a denominationally splintered yet universally united catholic church could still exist and devised a ludicrous position that the united catholic church is now invisible, but still united, and still catholic. They supposed, in their bitter denominational struggles, that there is a visible church where we attend and fight with other denominations, and an invisible church wherein we are all united as one in catholic union and harmony. Yeah, invisible. Balderdash in every whit.
The church of our Lord Jesus Christ is not catholic, in whole or in part. There is coming a day when Christ will call out and assemble his church, it will, on that day, be his bride, but until then saints need to leave off with the Holy Roman Catholic Church's teachings that the church is catholic.
Next the Holy Roman Catholic deceiver came up with his scheme of Replacement Theology wherein the Catholic Church replaces God's chosen people Israel and the Holy Roman Catholic Church becomes the new “elect of God” chosen before the foundation of the world. The doctrine is that they, the Roman Catholic Church and not Israel, will dominate the whole world in the last days, and that they, and not Israel, will rule the world and reign with Christ for a completely figurative, completely allegorical thousand-years. This, they suppose, covers what is mentioned in the very suspect rantings of the apocalyptic allegorical Book of Revelation. They invented the allegorical method of hermeneutics and took Bible-criticism to an art form, to bolster such balderdash. Protestants were offended by the Roman Church's sale of indulgences, but as they left it they were carrying boat loads of their Replacement Theology, and a despise for God's real chosen people, Israel.
With the catholic church being the replacement of Israel as the new “Elect of God” comes a concept that the Catholic Church has always existed, and did not start with Christ, but with their teachings of Covenant Theology. All Protestants and particularly John Calvin's Presbyters, Institutes, and Reformed Theologies are sullied by a Catholic Church holding to a Replacement Theology, and an ever existent church in their Covenant Theology. John Calvin's errant teachings on a God who chose and elected some souls for heaven and the rest for an eternity in hell is only one ugly part of his whole maligned package where a Holy Catholic Church replaces Israel in a Covenant Theology.
The culmination of these three hallmarks of error in ecclesiology is the forth where they hold a complete and vehement denial of the dispensational teachings of the Holy Bible. To suppose that the church age will come to a close and God will again take up his dealings with his chosen people Israel, and initiate a millennial reign from his Holy Hill of Zion is completely contrary to all Catholic Church teachings and all of “Orthodox Christianity.”
No previous systematic theology has completely stepped out of these errors, nor exposed them for what they are. The vast majority of Christendom is in lock step with these error. This Systematic Theology for the 21st Century Volume 09 – Ecclesiology, is unique in its effort to expose “The Emperor With No Clothes.” …
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century – Vol 9 Ecclesiology 1
Volume 09 Ecclesiology The Doctrine of the Church 1
Chapter 1 Ecclesiology Introduction 1
Ecclesiology Precursor 2
God Shall Fulfill Promises Made To Israel 3
Messiah Shall Reign From Zion 3
Roman Catholic Saint Origen Was Wrong 5
The LORD God's Promises To Israel Are Literal 8
The Effect of This Precursor 12
Chapter 2 Ecclesiology One of God's Seven Dispensations 15
The First Dispensation – Innocence 22
The Second Dispensation – Conscience 23
The Third Dispensation – Government 24
The Fourth Dispensation – Promise 25
The Fifth Dispensation – Law 27
The Sixth Dispensation – Grace and Truth 29
The Seventh Dispensation – The Kingdom 31
Dispensational's Alternative, Supersessionism 34
The Facts and Flaws of Covenant Theology, Part 1 36
Covenant Theology is the dominant theological system of most mainline Protestant churches. 36
The Facts 36
The Flaws 38
The Facts and Flaws of Covenant Theology, Part 2 39
What God’s Word Actually Says 39
The Facts and Flaws of Covenant Theology, Part 3 42
If Replacement Theology is true, then certainly God has an opinion about it—one He states clearly and teaches visibly in Scripture. 42
What It Maintains 42
Christ’s Words 43
Paul’s Words 44
The Facts and Flaws of Covenant Theology, Conclusion 46
What does God say about Israel’s future? If the New Testament teaches ethnic Israel has a future, then Replacement Theology is untrue. 46
Jesus’ Throne 46
Peter’s Eschatology 47
Conclusion 48
Chapter 3 Cambron's Bible Doctrine of Ecclesiology 50
Cambron's Ch VII Ecclesiology - The Doctrine of the Church 51
I. The Meaning of the Word. 51
II. The Use of the Word. 53
III. What the Church is Not. 54
IV. What the Church Is. 55
V. The Gifts to the Body. 59
VI. The Local Church. 60
VII. Discipline in the Local Church. 61
VIII. Ordinances in the Local Church. 62
Chapter 4 The Prophetic History of The True Church 69
The 1st Century Bible Record – True Church History. 72
H.A. Ironside's Lecture 3 The Seven Churches 72
H.A. Ironside's Lecture 4 The Seven Churches (Continued) 90
The 19th Century Baptist Record – True Church History 102
Compendium of Baptist History – First Chapter 103
Memorials of Baptist Martyrs - Preliminary Historical Essay 106
Chapter 5 Bible Ecclesiology vs A Holy Catholic Church 125
Roman Catholic Religion - The Mother Wolf 125
Protestant's Reformed Theology – An Offspring Wolf 129
Protestants Carry on in Error 130
Baptists Are Not Protestants 130
Ecumenical Bible Changers – Offspring of the Offspring 134
The Bible and the Local, Non-Catholic, Church 142
Chapter 6 When Did Christ's Church Begin? 146
Covenant Theology 147
Hyper-Dispensationalism 147
Ultra-Dispensationalism 148
Biblical Dispensationalism 150
When The Church Age Will Close 151
Chapter 7 The Church and the First Amendment 154
Chapter 8 Critique of Other Systematic Theology Ecclesiology Works 168
Critique of Chafer's 1948 Ecclesiology 169
Critique of Chafer's Volume IV Ecclesiology Introduction 170
A Critique of Dr. Chafer's Ecclesiology 172
Chafer's Systematic Error, What is Truth? 172
Chafer's Ecclesiology 174
Chafer's Error In Denominationalism 178
Clarifying the Corporate Body 180
Dr. Chafer's Poisonous Root 180
Critique of John Miley's 1892 Methodist Ecclesiology 183
Critique of Charles Hodge's 1878 Ecclesiology 187
Critique of Augustus Strong's 1907 Ecclesiology 190
Critique of Theisens' 1949 Ecclesiology 194
Who is Dr. Henry Clarence Thiessen ? 194
TH504 Report on Thiessen's Ecclesiology 196
Objective 1. The theological issues of the church; 196
Objective 2. The Church definition and founding. 197
Objective 3. The Churches organization and ordinances. 197
Objective 4. as well as the Churches mission and destiny. 199
Objective 5. How this age closes with final apocalyptic events is researched. 199
Thiessen's Chapter 35 Q&A Obj. 1 & 2 200
Thiessen's Chapter 36 Q&A Obj. 3. 203
Thiessen's Chapter 37 Q&A Obj. #3 207
Thiessen's Chapter 38 Q&A Obj. 4 209
Critique of Geisler's 2002 Ecclesiology 212
Chapter 9 Ecclesiology Conclusion 216
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Angelology (The Doctrine of Angels) section contains the following contents:
Angelology Conclusion
Much has been written about angels, more has been presumed and misunderstood. The Holy Bible has no dissertation or thesis on the subject, but it does provide tremendous insights to angels. As Charles Hodge put it,
“So much is said in the Scriptures of good and evil angels, and such important functions are ascribed to them both in the providence of God over the world, and especially in the experience of his people and of his Church, that the doctrine of the Bible concerning them should not be overlooked.”15
Systematically learning about angels, even though it is not a theme of the Bible, can greatly benefit the believer.
In the Bible angels are 1) spirits, 2) ministers, 3) around to deliver "them that fear him", 4) higher beings than man, 5) messengers, 6) messengers to be feared, and 7) not all good. Further we are to learn that angels are created beings and we learned previous that everything that was created was very good and created in those first six days of our universe's existence, angels being no exception. We learned that angels are of differing ranks and types, and that there are holy angels who did not sin, and fallen angels which sinned and were cast out with Satan, another fallen angel. There is much to be gleaned from this study of angels.
We have explored Bible evidence of these angelic beings with the expectation that eyes will be open to the hosts that surround us, quite like Elisha's servant had his eyes opened:
And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do? And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. (2Kings 6:15-17)
The eminent theologian Charles Hodge has taught us, “As to the nature of angels, they are described, (1.) As pure spirits, i.e., immaterial and incorporeal beings. The Scriptures do not attribute bodies of any kind to them. ... As such, therefore, they are invisible, incorruptible, and immortal. Their relation to space is described as an illocalitas (Latin - they have no body that can occupy space); not ubiquity or omnipresence, as they are always somewhere and not everywhere at any given moment, but they are not confined to space circumscriptively as bodies are, and can move from one portion of space to another. As spirits they are possessed of intelligence, will, and power.”
The study of these angelic beings is called angelology, which combines a Greek based English word “angel” and a Greek based word “ology.” “Angel” literally means “a messenger; one employed to communicate news or information from one person to another at a distance“2 and “ology” means a word, a discourse, a doctrine, a teaching, a matter under discussion, a thing spoken of or talked about, also the mental faculty of thinking, meditating, or reasoning about.
Again looking to Hodge's genius and careful dictation,
“The Scriptures teach that the holy angels are employed, (1.) In the worship of God. (2.) In executing the will of God. (3.) And especially in ministering to the heirs of salvation. They are represented as surrounding Christ, and as ever ready to perform any service in the advancement of his kingdom that may be assigned to them. Under the Old Testament they repeatedly appeared to the servants of God to reveal to them his will. They smote the Egyptians; were employed in the giving of the law at Mount Sinai; attended the Israelites during their journey; destroyed their enemies; and encamped around the people of God as a defence in hours of danger.
They predicted and celebrated the birth of Christ (Matt. i. 20; Luke i. ii); they ministered to Him in his temptation and sufferings (Matt. iv. 11; Luke xxii. 43); and they announced his resurrection and ascension (Matt. xxviii. 2: John xx. 12; Acts i. 10, 11). They are still ministering spirits to believers (Heb. i. 14); they delivered Peter from prison; they watch over children (Matt. xviii. 10); they bear the souls of the departed to Abraham's bosom (Luke xvi. 22); they are to attend Christ at his second coming, and gather his people into his kingdom (Matt. xiii. 39; xvi. 27; xxiv. 31).
Such are the general statements of the Scriptures on this subject, and with these we should be content. We know that they are the messengers of God; that they are now and ever have been employed in executing his commissions, but further than this nothing is positively revealed.”16
Clarence Larkin's 1921 book “The Spirit World” opened a Pandora's box of error about fallen angels existing before the Bible even accounts for their creation, and error of them causing the world flood (even two world floods!) by their copulation with human women. Before Larkin and C. I. Scofield fictionalized God's six day creation account and hypothesized that fallen angels from the spirit world are the whole problem in this created world, sounder minds prevailed. Such error has prompted some esteemed Bible teachers to even account there is a second class of fallen angels, the truly evil, and chained; supposing that 2Pet.2:4 delineates this very, very, very evilist of the fallen. Examine with me a much saner understanding of fallen angels as delineated by those sounder minds around before Clarence Larkin added the fiction.
Again, the eminent theologian Charles Hodge (1797 – 1878), called “The Father of the Printed Systematic Theology”, words well the state of angels,
“As to the state of the angels, it is clearly taught that they were all originally holy. It is also plainly to be inferred from the statements of the Bible that they were subjected to a period of probation, and that some kept and some did not keep their first estate.”17
Angels are created beings, and the Bible is clear that all that was created, to include the heavens and the hosts of heaven, came from Christ's six day creation act. On day seven of creation all was good, yea very good (Gen.1:31), and God had a day of rest on man's first day in the universe.
Of the fall of angels the eminent theologian Heinrich Schmid (1811-1885)18 states, “It is probable that the wicked angels fell under the guidance of a certain leader or chief, whom the Scriptures call Satan and the devil, John 8:44; Luke 11:15, who by his example or persuasion drew many angels into the fellowship of his crime. Rev. 12:4.” He goes on to clarify,
As to the time of the fall:"They fell, not within the six days of creation, but after they were ended (Gen. 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.); before the fall of our first parents, in the second week of the foundation of the world, but upon what day it is uncertain."
We are still uncertain of the day because the Holy Bible does not give us the specifics. When the Bible is silent on a subject it behooves us to be silent, and especially not to wax dogmatic as many charismatic false teachers do. All that can be logically surmised is that the fall occurred between Genesis 1:31 and Genesis 3:1 With due respect to genius minds, there is no gap in God's creation account to suppose otherwise.
Of fallen angels Hodge states clearly, “The Scriptures inform us that certain of the angels kept not their first estate. They are spoken of as the angels that sinned. They are called evil, or unclean spirits; principalities; powers; rulers of this world; and spiritual wickednesses (i.e., wicked spirits) in high places.” Hodge points out that there was a leader,
“That there is one fallen angel exalted in rank and power above all his associates is clearly taught in the Bible. He is called Satan (the adversary), diabolos, the traducer, ho poneros, the evil one; the prince of the power of the air; the prince of darkness; the God of this world; Beelzebub; Belial the tempter; the old serpent, and the dragon. … These, and similar titles set him forth as the great enemy of God and man, the opposer of all that is good and the promoter of all that is evil.”
Care needs to be taken that a believer not give too much credit or blame to evil angels. Some have force fit a special grouping of fallen angels into Genesis 6 in order to blame them for God's judgment and the world flood, and even to imagine an antediluvian existence and destruction before God created the world!. Clearly the Bible paints all of man's failures hanging on man's depravity, and leaves no room to blame naughty angles, nor to suppose any antediluvian society that squeezes in between the first two verses of God's creation account. Students need to be careful here; some of our most esteemed Bible scholars have greatly errored on these two counts.
And so the study of angels is beneficial to a Bible believing student, who keeps in mind that angels are not the main thing in revelation and should not be made a major component of Bible doctrine. Always keep the main thing the main thing. Jesus Saves. …
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century - Angelology 1
Part 10 Angelology 1
Chapter 1 Angelology Introduction 1
The Word Study for Angel 3
The Genesis of Angels 4
Scofield's Angelology Summary 7
Chapter 2 Dr. Cambron's Angelology- The Doctrine of Angels 10
I. Definition 11
II. Description 13
III. Delineation 18
IV. Satan 23
Chapter 3 Cherubims, Seraphims, and Watchers. 29
Cherubims 29
Seraphims 34
Cherubim and Seraphim in Symbol 34
Watchers 40
Chapter 4 Angels, Nephilims and Half-Breed Mongrels. 42
A Proper Rendering of Genesis Chapter 6 44
False Teachers Say Nephilims Caused the Flood 47
Its the Depravity of Man NOT Depravity of Angels! 49
Dr. Cambron's Condoning of the Genesis 6 Misinterpretation. 51
He Speculates Their Sin 51
He Speculates Their Identity 52
He Speculates An Interpretation 52
He Speculates No Problems 52
He Speculates Giants, Nephilims 53
He Speculates Their Position 53
Critique of Dr. Chafer's Angelology - Chap 10 Demonology 55
“Sons of God” Thoughts of Dr. Morris 65
Chapter 5 Charles Hodge on Angels. 68
Charles Hodge on Angels. 69
§ 1. Their Nature. 70
§ 2. Their State. 72
§ 3. Their Employments. 72
§ 4. Evil Angels. 76
Charles Hodge on Power and Agency of Evil Spirits. 78
Demoniacal Possessions. 79
Chapter 6 Critique of Chafer's Angelology 83
Review and Critique of Chafer's Angelology (32% of Vol 2) 83
Critique of Chap 1 Introduction to Angelology (3-5) 2% 84
Critique of Chap 2 General Facts About Angels (6-27) 18% 86
Critique of Chap 3 Angelic Participation in the Moral Problem (28-32) 90
Critique of Chapter 4 Satonology:Introduction (33-38) 5% 90
Critique of Chap 5 Satanology: The Career of Satan (39-61) 19% 92
Critique of Chap 10 Demonology (113-121) 7% 93
Chapter 7 Angelology Conclusion 93
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Eschatology (The Doctrine of Last Things) section contains the following contents:
Eschatology Conclusion
Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And (Jesus) said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. (Acts.1:6)
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: … Write the things which … shall be hereafter; (Rev.1:1,19).
That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:(Eph 1:10).
We're in the last of the last days and there are three essential concepts to understanding the doctrine of last things. First there is coming a kingdom age where Christ will fulfill the promises made to the nation of Israel. “And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins” (Rom.11:26). The disciples with the risen Christ asked, “Wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times …” (Acts.1:6-7). But it will happen!
Secondly know, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass”, … records, “the things which shall be hereafter” (Rev.1:1,19).
And third know the hereafter comes after this dispensation of grace, the church age, closes. “Dispensation” and “stewardship” come from the same Greek word. Jesus gives multiple stewardship parables (Luk.16,19,20 Matt.21,25, Mrk.12), and then Paul uses that same stewardship principle stating, “If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God … Which is now revealed … That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel” (Eph.3:2-6). The church age must end before the dispensation of the fullness of times (Eph.1:10) arrives. And before the King of kings receives his kingdom, the Title-Deed of this world must be opened, and “the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof” (Rev.5:5). With that understood, study the Revelation. Without it, flounder.
In this volume on eschatology there is assembled an outline of the many unfulfilled promises that are revealed and will be completely fulfilled, the dispensationalism that gives the big picture for their fulfillment, Cambron's doctrine of last things that defends it, and Ironside's Expository on Revelation that details it, and additional chapters that define it.
Studying eschatology is important for Christians, because it ennobles them. As the Apostle Paul put it for the Corinthians
Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things [done] in [his] body, according to that he hath done, whether [it be] good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences. … For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again. … Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: … and (he) hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; … and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. (1Cor.5:9-11, 14,15, 17-20).
Every born again Christian should be a student of Biblical Prophecy, it is ennobling, and enables a intimacy with God who says “Shall I hide from my friend that thing which I do?” (cf. Gen.18:17) In pursuit of this study a Christian needs only two tools; an open mind that will believe all that the prophets wrote, and an open Bible, that contains all that the prophets wrote. Studying Biblical Prophecy is fraught with obstacles and false teachers who deny the pre-tribulation rapture of the church, or the literal 1000 year reign of Christ. Use the two tools and your earnest desire for an intimacy with God for He has revealed his whole plan in the pages of his 66 books.
the redeemed step into the presence of our eternal God we will gain a
proper and holy perspective of all things. In the mean time we are to
study to shew ourselves approved unto God, and to rightly divide the
Word of truth. That Word of truth unfolds the most intimate plans of
God. Biblical prophecy is ennobling; it is written for our comfort,
not our curiosity. The rapture, the Bema Seat Judgment of the bride,
the marriage supper and our eternal union with Christ are a
consolation. Even the described seven year tribulation, the battle of
Armageddon and the salvation of Israel culminating in the thousand
year reign of Christ from the throne of David are to bring us solace.
There is coming a second resurrection wherein all unregenerate souls
stand before our Holy God on his Great White Throne (Rev20:11) before
they partake of their second death. And then, finally, there is a new
heaven and a new earth. This present heaven and earth “shall
pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with
fervent heat” (2Pet3:10). Peter gives pause to ponder these
prophecies, “Seeing then that all these things shall
dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in holy conversation
and godliness?” (vr.11). It is ennobling that God has shared
his hopes and plans for the future; it is a great act of intimacy
when friends do that. Only the believing eye can see these
portrayalsin Scripture. The old adage is reversed for Revelation,
here, “Believing
is seeing.” Bible revelation is thus meant to change our
attitude as our world plunges toward his prophesied end. As our
country leans reprobate, what manner of persons ought we to be?
Ministers of reconciliation (2Cor 5:17-21).
God bless you in your studies of eschatology. …
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
Volume 11 Eschatology – The Doctrine of Last Things 1
Chapter 1 Eschatology Preliminary Essays 4
The Feasts of the LORD are Prophetic 14
The Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread 17
The Feast of First Fruits 18
Pentecost 19
The Feast of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles 20
The 70th Week of Daniel 9:24 26
The End of the Dispensation of Grace 34
The Time of Jacob's Trouble 40
The Battle of Armageddon 43
Chapter 2 The Things Seen, Which Are, and Which Shall Be 52
Chapter 3 Good Eschatology Requires Good Dispensationalism 56
The First Dispensation – Innocence 57
The Second Dispensation – Conscience 58
The Third Dispensation – Government 60
The Fourth Dispensation – Promise 61
The Fifth Dispensation – Law 62
The Sixth Dispensation – Grace and Truth 65
The Seventh Dispensation – The Kingdom 66
Chapter 4 Cambron's Bible Doctrine - Eschatology 69
Cambron's Chap IX Eschatology - The Doctrine of Last Things 70
Outline For Chap IX Eschatology 70
I. Physical Death 70
II. The Bodily Resurrection. 73
III. The Intermediate State. 79
IV. The Second Coming Of Christ. 83
V. The Antichrist. 88
VI. The Tribulation. 94
VII. The Battle Of Armageddon. 99
VIII. The Millennium. 100
IX. The Judgments. 103
X. After The Millennium. 106
XI. The Future Of The Wicked. 107
XII. Heaven. 109
Chapter 5 Ironside's Lectures on Revelation 111
Lecture 1 The Introduction 112
Lecture 2 The First Vision 119
Lecture 5 The First Vision of Heaven 127
Lecture 6 The Seven Sealed Book 133
Lecture 7 The Fifth and Sixth Seals 144
Lecture 8 The 144,000 and The Great Multitude of Gentiles 154
Lecture 9 The Breaking of the Seventh Seal 163
Lecture 10 The First and Second “WOE” Trumpets 173
Lecture 11 Eating The Little Opened Book 182
Lecture 12 The Two Witnesses and the Seventh Trumpet 192
Lecture 13 The Woman and the Man Child 203
Lecture 15 The Personal AntiChrist 224
Lecture 16 The Harvest and Vintage 235
Lecture 17 The Vials of the Wrath of God 245
Lecture 18 Babylon: Its Character and Doom 255
Lecture 19 Babylon: Its Character and Doom ( Concluded) 266
Lecture 20 The Two Suppers 276
Lecture 21 The Millennium and the Judgment of the Great White Throne 286
Lecture 22 Closing Scenes 297
Ironside Bibliography 307
Chapter 6 The Revelation of Jesus Christ 309
The Revelation of Jesus Christ an Overview 312
The Four and Twenty Elders 317
The Day of the LORD and Last Day(s) 320
Eschatology – The Rapture 322
The Rapture, Begins a Division Between Dispensations 330
The Rapture, Bema Seat, and Marriage Supper. 330
Seven Years of Tribulation 335
The Millennial Kingdom 337
Eternity in Heaven 337
Chapter 7 The Premillennial Return of Christ and The Pretribulation Rapture of the Church 338
The Pretribulation Rapture of the Church 340
Replacement Theology – Amillenianism, Post and Mid Trib Error 341
Chapter 8 Critique of other Systematic Theology Eschatology Works 343
Critique of John Miley's 1892 Methodist Eschatology 343
Critique of Charles Hodge's 1878 Eschatology 346
Critique of Augustus Strong's 1907 Eschatology 347
Critique of Theisens' 1949 Eschatology 349
Supplemental Reading Report - Eschatology 350
Thiessen Compared to Strong. 350
Thiessen Compared to Cambron. 351
Thiessen Compared to Erickson. 353
Thiessen's Part VIII Eschatology Q&A 354
Thiessen's Chapter XXXIX Q&A 354
Thiessen's Chapter XL Q&A 356
Thiessen's Chapter XLI Q&A 358
Thiessen's Chapter XLII Q&A 361
Thiessen's Chapter XLIII Q&A 364
Thiessen's Chapter XLIV Q&A 369
Thiessen's Chapter XLV Q&A 372
Thiessen's Chapter XLVI Q&A 374
Thiessen's Chapter XLVII Q&A 377
Critique of Chafer's 1948 Eschatology 379
Critique of Chafer's Volume IV Ecclesiology and Eschatology Introduction 379
Chafer's Systematic Error 380
A Critique of Dr. Chafer's Eschatology 383
Dr. Chafer's List of Predicted Events. 390
Critique of Geisler's 2002 Eschatology 394
Chapter 9 Eschatology Conclusion 396
Appendix Penny Pulpit Essays on Eschatology. 397
Msg #1939 The Last October? 397
Msg #1940 Then Shall be Great Tribulation 398
Msg #1941 Rapture then the Marriage Supper 399
Msg #1942 Seven Years, Jacob's Trouble 400
Msg #1943 The Battle of Armageddon 400
Msg #1944 Die Once or Die Twice, Choose Wisely 402
Msg #1342 Prophetic Truth and Accuracy 402
Msg #1440 Don't Be Left Behind 404
Msg #1441 The 7 Year Tribulation is not Allegorical! 404
This endeavor is to mark out the Systematic Theology for the 21st century and the Epilogue (A short passage added at the end of a literary work) section contains the following contents:
Epilogue Conclusion
This volume contains the introductions and/or conclusions and table of contents for eleven previous volumes of “A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century”:
The organization of this systematic theology follows the traditional structure listed below.
Vol. 01 Prolegomena Vol. 02 Bibliology Vol. 03 Theology Vol. 04 Christology Vol. 05 Pneumatology Vol. 06 Anthropology |
Vol. 07 Hamartiology Vol. 08 Soteriology Vol. 09 Ecclesiology Vol. 10 Angelology Vol. 11 Eschatology Vol. 12 Epilogue |
A Christian, being one who has individually confessed and accepted the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, for their saving, has a quickened, corrected, and personal relationship with the LORD God and Creator. They also have a charge from him that they carefully develop a theology. A theology, again, is a musing about, a consideration of, and an analysis of, (ology) everything that can be known of God (Theos), and of everything that God has done in this his universe. An unregenerate mind is self centered, rebellious, Christ less, and ergo, God less. His pursuit of theology will turn to self worship, (i.e. evolution as it promotes the self made man) and/or creature worship, (worshiping the creature, i.e. stars, images, idols, animals, humans, angels, et al.) more than Creator worship (Rom 1:10). The quickened mind of the born again believer, however, is enlightened and guided away from a self centered theology, into a God centered, Holy Spirit directed theology. But, theology is still the travail assigned to every rational mind. Carefully organizing one's musing about God, when done skillfully, with method and thoroughness, should be called systematic.
The complete Table of Contents for this volume is as follows:
Volume 12 Epilogue 1
An Epilogue Preface 1
Volume1 – A Systematic Theology's Prolegomena 5
Volume2 – A Systematic Theology's Bibliology. 10
Volume3 – A Systematic Theology's Theology Proper. 18
Volume4 – A Systematic Theology's Christology. 21
Volume5 – A Systematic Theology's Pneumatology. 25
Volume6 – A Systematic Theology's Anthropology. 27
Volume7 – A Systematic Theology's Hamartiology. 30
Volume8 – A Systematic Theology's Soteriology. 32
Volume9 – A Systematic Theology's Ecclesiology. 36
Volume 10 – A Systematic Theology's Angelology. 42
Volume 11 – A Systematic Theology's Eschatology. 49
Volume12 – A Systematic Theology's Epilogue 56
Bibliography 57
The Holy Bible
New American Standard Version (NASV), 1973 Revision, copyright by The Lockman Foundation, 1960,1962,1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, and 19732, La Habra, Calif, with all rights reserved.
Greek Bible, 1550- Textus Receptus, Online Bible Foundation, 12 Birkfield Place, Carluke, Lanarkshire, Scotland, M184PZ, 15-2006
Greek Bible, 1881 Wescott Hort Greek Text, Online Bible Foundation, 12 Birkfield Place, Carluke, Lanarkshire, Scotland, M184PZ, 15-2006. [This work is no friend of the Authorized King James Bible, favoring the minority critical text and denying the existence of the inspired Holy Bible.]
Aland, Kurt, Aland, Barbara “The Greek New Testament” Fourth Revised Edition, United Bible Society, 1966, 1968, 1975, 1983, 1993, 1994, 1998. [This work is no friend of the Authorized King James Bible, favoring the minority critical text and denying the existence of the inspired Holy Bible.]
Anderson, “Annals of the English Bible”, as quoted by David Cloud in www.wayoflife.org/articles/johnwycliffe.htm (Accessed April 2010).
Bancroft, Emery H., Elemental Theology, 1932, Baptist Bible Seminary, 1945, 1960, Zondervan 1977, [In 1932 Emery H. Bancroft became the first Dean of Baptist Bible Seminary, Johnson City, NY and published his text for his course Elemental Theology. In 1968 the Seminary relocated to Clark Summit PA. In 1970 this author attended Practical Bible Training School on the Johnson City campus and studied Bancroft's text. In 1999 – 2000 this author attended Baptist Bible Seminary to take Greek (NT502 and NT503) via a 3 hour commute from Hammondsport NY to Clark Summit PA, and was reintroduced to Bancroft's exceptional work.]
Black, David Alan, & Dockery, David S., “New Testament Criticism and Interpretation” Zibdervan Publishing Housem, 1991. [This compromising book on NT criticism was required reading at Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary, Landsdale Pa, after Dr. Jordon's control was overthrown by an influx of Bob Jones graduates.]
Bradley, Evangelist Bill, “Pruified Seven Times, The Miracle of the English Bible”, Landmark Baptist Press, Haines City FL, 2001.
Burgon, John William, “The Causes of the Corruption of the Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels” Burgon, John William (1813-1888 AD), Miller, Edward (1825-1901 AD) (Editor),Publisher: Grand Rapids, MI: Christian Classics Ethereal Library, Publication History: Cambridge: Deighton, Bell and Co. 1896 AD, Rights: Public Domain,Date Created: 2006-05-13, (Accessed at http://www.ccel.org 11/07/07).
Cambron, Mark G. Bible Doctrines. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Zondervan Publishing House, 1954, [Independent Baptist, Professor and Dean, Tennessee Temple Bible School-College-Seminary, 1948-1959, serving with Dr. Lee Roberson (1909-2007) the founder of Tennessee Temple University in 1946], [Bible Doctrines, Beliefs That Matter is available at http://thecambroninstitute.org/library/Bible%20Doctrines.pdf and https://heritagebbc.com/bible-doctrines-class-complete/ ].
Carroll, James Milton, The Trail of Blood, 1932, open source, public domain, from https://archive.org/details/TheTrailOfBlood.
Catholic Encyclopedia, The, http://www.newadvent.org/cathen, (Accessed Feb 2008). [Roman Catholic Church doctrine filters each entry of this encyclopedia and its 'facts' are thereby always suspect.]
Chafer, Lewis Sperry. Systematic Theology. Dallas Seminary Press, 1948.[Lewis Sperry Chafer was an American theologian. He founded and served as the first president of Dallas Theological Seminary, and was an influential founding member of modern Christian Dispensationalism. Born: February 27, 1871, Rock Creek, Died: August 22, 1952, Seattle, Education: Oberlin College, Wheaton College. For my Doctorate of Philosophy in Theological Studies through LBTS, I was tasked to analyze all six volumes of his Systematic Theology and found him compromised and neoevangelical.]
Christian, John T., A History of the Baptists, Vol 1&2, The Baptist Bible Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana, first published in 1922, public domain, soft copy www.pbministries.org/History/JohnT.Christian/vol1/ or http://www.reformedreader.org/history/christian/ahob1/ahobp.htm.
Cloud, David W., “JOHN WYCLIFFE AND THE FIRST ENGLISH BIBLE” Copyright 1996, Way of Life Literature, Oak Harbor, www.wayoflife.org/articles/johnwycliffe.htm, (Accessed Feb 2008).
Cross Pollen, e-mail: thornroot@juno.com, 2001, from http://www.accuros.com/ thornbush/pollen/plenary_verbal_inspiration.htm , Last Revised: December 28, 2001 (Accessed December 2007).
Dollar, George W., A History of Fundamentalism in America, Bob Jones University Press, 1973.
Duffy, Kevin, “Who Were the Celts?”, Barnes & Nobel Books, New York, 1996
Eadie, John, “The English Bible”, 1876 as quoted by David Cloud in www.wayoflife.org/articles/johnwycliffe.htm (Accessed March 2008)
Edgeworth, Arv, “Truth and Science Newsletter”, Wed , 26 March, 2008, www.truthandscience.net (Accessed March 2008).
Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology. Baker Books, Grand Rapids, MI, 1985.
Eusebiu Pamphilus, “The Ecclesiastical History of Euseius Pamphilus”, pp160 as quoted in BI-300 Inspiration of Scripture I, Syllabus, Landmark Baptist College, Haines City, FL.
Finney, Charles G., Power from On High, Christian Literature Crusade, public domain, from www.ccel.org/ccel/finney/power.html (Accessed March 2008)
Gaussen, L., Theopneustia – The plenary Inspiration of The Holy Scriptures deduced from Internal Evidence, and the Testimonies of Nature, History and Science, David Scott's translation, Chicago, The Bible Institute Colportage ASS'N., 1840, Converted to pdf format by Robert I Bradshaw, August 2004. http://www.biblcalstudies.org.uk (Accessed Dec 2007).
Geisler, Norman L, Systematic Theology in One Volume, Bethany House, 2002, 3, 4, 5, 11 [Geisler, also a neoevangelical, sharply contrasts with Lewis Sperry Chafer in that Geisler 1) admits what he is neoevangelical, 2) admits what he is attempting, a compilation of evangelical theologies, 3) shows superb organization and structure of thought, 4) contains depth, and 5) is a masterful communicator. This author cannot endorse all that Geisler believes to be true, but can endorse that he seems to capture all that has been believed by conservative evangelicals.]
Gordon, S. D., “The Quiet Talks on the Crowned Christ of Revelation”, Fleming H. Revell Company, 1914, EBook #23038 via www.gutenberg.org October 16, 2007 [S. D. Gordon (1859-1936) was a popular writer and speaker in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Born in Philadelphia, at the age of twenty-five Gordon became affiliated with the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), with which he served at various secretarial levels for more than ten years. During this period he developed some public speaking skill and became a popular lecturer on devotional biblical themes. Between 1896 and 1900 he traveled to Europe and the Orient as a missionary. Gordon authored some twenty-five books, the majority of which were devotional books under the general theme, Quiet Talks, e.g. Quiet Talks on Prayer, Quiet Talks on Service, etc. The Quiet Talks series has been collected and reprinted many times, having sold in the neighborhood of some two million copies.]
Grant, F. W., “The Prophetic History of the Church”, NEW YORK LOIZEAUX BROTHERS, 1910, First Edition, 1902, Seventh Printing, 1955, available at http://plymouthbrethren.org/series/6114 and http://www.gsbaptistchurch.com/theology/grant_prophetic_history_church.pdf and www.brethrenarchive.org/people/fw-grant/pamphlets/the-prophetic-history-of-the-church/ [When Henry Allen Ironside writes in his 100 year old book that, “On the seven churches, I especially commend F. Grant's 120 year old book”, it behooves one to secure a copy; the full title being “The Prophetic History of the Church – Some Evils Which Afflict Christendom and Their Remedy, as Depicted by The Lord's Own Words to the Seven Churches (Rev. ii. and iii.).” ].
Hodge, Charles, Systematic Theology: Volume I-IV, Charles Scribner & Company, 1871, Hardback- Grand Rapids, Mich., Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1940, Christian Classics Ethereal Library, http://www.ccel.org, public domain. The Internet Archive www.archive.org/details/systematictheolo01hodg, [Charles Hodge, 1797-1878, Presbyterian Minister, Princeton Theologian and called The Father of the Printed Systematic Theology.]
Ironside, H. A., “Revelation: An Ironside Expository Commentary”, Kregel Publications, 1920. [Henry Allen Ironside (1876 Toronto Canada, 1951 New Zealand) lived through two world wars (WWI 1914-1918, and WWII 1939-1945) and understood from God's Word that no Catholic Church was going to bring peace on earth or usher in a kingdom age. Ironside was a gifted Bible expositor and orator of the 20th century; a genuine dispensationalist. Ironside removes all Catholic and Protestant allegorical interpretation of the Revelation of Jesus Christ and rightly divides the Word of Truth.]
Larkin, Clarence. The Spirit World, Published by the Clarence Larkin Estate, 1921, Cosimo, 2005
Metzger, B.M., “A Textual Commentary of the Greek New Testament” (London: United Bible Societies, 1975). [This work is no friend of the Authorized King James Bible, favoring the minority critical text and denying the existence of the inspired Holy Bible.]
Miley, John, Systematic Theology Vol. 1 & 2, The Library of Biblical and Theological Literature, New York: Eaton and Mains, 1894, The Internet Archive http://www.archive.org/details/systematictheolo01mile. [John Miley (1813-1895), Methodist Theologian.]
Miller, Edward, “A Guide to Textual Criticism of the New Testament”, Dean Burgon Society Press, Collingswood NJ, 1886.
Mounce, William D., “Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar”, Zondervan, 2003.
Noble, Terence P., “WYCLIFFE’S NEW TESTAMENT Translated by JOHN WYCLIFFE and JOHN PURVEY” , Published by Terence P. Noble, August 2001 by Terence P. Noble from http://www.ibiblio.org/tnoble (Accessed Feb 2008).
Osborne, Grant R., “The Hermeneutical Spiral - A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation”, InterVarsity Press, 1991
Paisley, Ian R.K., “My Plea For The Old Sword”, 1997, Ambasador Productions Ltd., Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Rice, Edward G., The 357 Magnum Errors of the Modernist's Critical Texts, Public Domain, www.gsbaptistchurch.com/baptist/bible/texterror.pdf, www.lulu.com/shop/pastor-edward-rice/the-357-magnum-errors-of-modernists-critical-texts/paperback/product-5586759.html
Robertson, A.T., "The Minister and His Greek N.T." Zondervan, 2003.
Ryrie, Charles C., Basic Theology. Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1981.
Schaff, Philip, The Creeds of Christendom, Three volumes, 1877, reprint, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1977.
----------. History of the Christian Church. Third edition, revised in eight volumes, Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1910.
Schofield, C. I., Prophecy Made Plain, Photolithoprinted by Grand Rapids Book Manufacturers, Grand Rapids, MI, 1967.
------------. The Scofield Study Bible, Oxford University Press, 1909, 1917.
Scrivener, Frederick Henry, Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament Vol 1, Oxford, London, George Bell & Sons, Your Street Covent Garden and New York , 1894, 4th Edition edited by Rev. Edward Millar, M.A. Christian Classics Ethereal Library, Public Domain (Accessed at http://www.ccel.org 11/07/07).
Shedd, William G. T., Dogmatic Theology, Roosevelt Professor of Systematic Theology in Union Theological Seminary, New York, Charles Scribner & Sons, 1888. [The Internet Archive www.archive.org/details/dogmatictheology01sheduoft], [William G.T. Shedd, 1820-1894, Old School Presbyterian & Reformed Theologian].
----------. Calvinism: Pure and Mixed, A Defense of the Westminster Standards. 1893, reprint, Edinburgh, UK: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1986.
----------. Commentary on Romans. 1879, reprint, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1980.
Stringer, Phil, Dr. “BI-300 Inspiration of Scripture I, Syllabus”, Landmark Baptist College, Haines City, FL 33844
Strong, Augustus H., Systematic Theology:Three Volumes in 1, Philadelphia, Valley Forge PA, The Judson Press, 1907, 35th printing 1993. [Augustus H. Strong, 1836-1921, American Baptist Pastor & Theologian].
Strong, James, The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1890, Public Domain, [Generally known as Strong's Concordance, it is a numeric-alphabetic index of every Hebrew and Greek word translated into the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. The nomenclature <3623> indicates the 3623rd alphabetical word in his Greek Lexicon; the nomenclature <03623> indicates the 3623rd word in his Hebrew Lexicon. James Strong (1822-1894) first published “The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible” in 1890, while he was professor of exegetical theology at Drew Theological Seminary.]
Strouse, Dr. Thomas M., “THE LORD GOD HATH SPOKEN: A GUIDE TO BIBLIOLOGY”, Tabernacle Baptist Theological Press, VA, 1992.
------------- “Charity...Rejoiceth in the Truth: A Critique of Schnaiter and Tagliapietra's Bible Preservation and the Providence of God ”, www.biblefortoday.org (Accessed 1/22/2008), www.deanburgonsociety.org/Preservation/charity.htm (Accessed 9/2/2017).
Thiessen, Henry Clarence, Lectures in Systematic Theology, Grand Rapids, Mich., William B. Eerdman Publishing Company, 1949. [Henry Clarence Thiessen, ? -1947, President of Los Angles Baptist Theological Seminary, later renamed John MacArthur's The Master's College].
----------. Lectures in Systematic Theology. Revised by Vernon D. Doerksen, Grand Rapids, Mich., William B. Eerdman Publishing Company, 2006.
Tidwell, J.B., Thinking Straight About the Bible, or Is the Bible the Word of God, 1935, from Southern Baptists Site www.sbc.net/aboutus/heritage/tidwell.asp (Accessed 11/01/07). [J.B. Tidwell, Chairman, Bible Department, Baylor University, (1910-1946).]
Virkler, Henry A., “Hermeneutics – Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation”, 2nd Edition, Baker Academic, 1991 [An LBU BI-500 Hermeneutics text in 2011 which exalted the critical text, rejected inerrancy, infallibility, and verbal inspiration of Scripture, and dangerously esteemed the RSV above the KJB.]
Waite, Pastor D.A., Th.D., Ph.D., “Defending the King James Bible”, 3rd Edition, The Bible for Today Press, Collingswood NJ, 1992 & 2002.
Webster, Noah, Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary of American English, public domain, 1828, software sourced through www.theword.net Version 5.0.0, Costas Stergiou, 2015.
Wilkinson, Benjamin G., Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, 1930, (Wilkinson was SDA (follower of Ellen White) who wrote an excellent poplar history of the textual lines.) as quoted in BI-300 Inspiration of Scripture Syllabus.
Yoho, Walter Allan, YAHWEH The Greatness of God, Volume 1 thru 3, FBCPublications.com, 2010. [Dr. Yoho teaches theology at Tabernacle Baptist Theological Seminary 717 Whitehurst Landing Rd. Virginia Beach VA 23464 under Pastor. James Baker. We met after our military-hop to Norfolk VA on our return from Mazara Del Vallo, Italy in May 2016. I have been enthralled with his three volumes of theology since that meeting.]
Zwingli, Huldrych, On the Education of Youth, Zwingli and Bullinger, The Library of Christian Classics: Ichthus Edition.
About the Author
Pastor Ed Rice is a retired USAF Systems Engineer surrendered to be a Baptist Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Saved in 1960 at the age of eight he grew up tutored in the Scriptures through Tuscorora Baptist Church in Addison NY, where he married his high-school sweetheart Beverly Cook Rice. Drafted into the military off of the dairy farm in 1972, Ed and Bev Rice raised 3 boys while serving as a Missile Technician in the USAF. After completing a USAF AECP bootstrap program he graduated from Ohio State University with a degree in electrical engineering and was commissioned in the USAF where he served until 1995 as a systems engineer and weapons integration specialist at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and Rome Laboratories, Rome NY. He finished his Masters degree in Electrical Engineering through The Air Force Institute of Technology in 1990.
After being commissioned as a USAF officer in 1982 he pursued his systems engineering work in several classified research and development programs. While moving around the USA in his twenty three year military career he was a youth pastor and associate pastor in Independent Baptist Churches near his station. In 1995 he became Captain Rice, USAF retired, and surrendered to be a Baptist Pastor.
In 1998 he took the senior pastorate at Good Samaritan Baptist Church, in Dresden, New York where he pursued his theological studies at Louisiana Baptist Theological Seminary. At LBU Pastor Rice received his second masters degree in 2013, and his PhD in 2017. His son Michael is US Army retired living near Fort Hood Texas, Shane is an Independent Baptist Missionary pastoring Chiesa Biblica Battista, Mazara Del Vallo, Italy, and Matthew is serving our Lord Jesus Christ near Hamilton NY. Capt Rice has spent seven years teaching math and science with the ABeka Christian High School Curriculum, and seven years teaching college mathematics, a love of his life, at community colleges near his church.
Dr. Rice's staunch belief in the preserved accuracy of the inspired Scriptures and his extensive background in systems engineering make him uniquely qualified to assemble “A Systematic Theology for the 21st Century.”
Personal Testimony of Pastor Edward Rice.
I was saved in 1960 at the age of eight. My father and mother were saved and founding members of Fellowship Baptist Church in Gang Mills New York. In 1958 my dad, Levi O. Rice, an agnostic, was invited by Cecil Palm to be a founding member of that church; both of my parents were born-again-saved two weeks later. My mother, Doris was converted form Roman Catholicism, and became a Christian. She stopped her Roman penance and practiced Bible repentance, stopped praying to Mary and called upon the Lord Jesus Christ to save her. She was thus converted from Roman Catholicism to the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone needs converted from something. Mom and Dad were now born again, and two years later I was saved in revival services with Evangelist Dale and Opel Linbaugh. Opel cut the flannel graph burden of sin off little Christian's back in her Pilgrim's Progress presentation, and I was born-again-saved before it hit the basement floor. In 1995 I retired from the USAF as a systems engineer and became an ordained Baptist Preacher of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matt 18:3). Being converted is quite like a new birth, Jesus said so. If you have not been converted you should trust Christ today, and you must tell him that that is your intent. (see Romans 10:9-13).
1The Holy Bible
2The question is borrowed from a giant slayer. Reference 1Sam 17:29, “And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?”
3Henry Clarence Thiessen, Lectures in Systematic Theology (Eerdmans, 1949), 226-227.
4Walter Allan Yoho, “YAHWEH The Greatness of God,” Volume 1 of 3, FBCPublications.com, 2010,71
5 Cited by Walter Allen Yoho, Stephen Charnock, The existence and Attributes of God. I. Grand Rapids, MI:Baker Book House, Reprint, 1979, 168-169.
6 Ibid. Yoho, 72
7The American Heritage Dictionary, 3rd edition 1994 Soft Key International, s.v. Prolegomena
8John 3:16-18, 36, 5:24, Rom 3:10, 23, 5:8, 12, 18, 6:23, 10:9-13, i.e. The Romans Road to Heaven.
9 Chambers, Oswald, “My Utmost For His Highest”
10 Gaussen, Theopneustia, 24-26
11 Lewis Sperry Chafer, Vol 1, 87.
12 WordWeb 8, Princeton University, 2006, s.v. “anthropology”.
13Thornton, “Repentance”, New Haven, 1834, 18
14Holy Bible.
15Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology, Charles Scribner and Company, 1871, Christian Classics Ethereal Library, http://www.ccel.org, 636-648.
18Schmid, Heinrich (1811-1885), “The Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church”, Augsburg Publishing House Minneapolis, Minn., 1875, via https://www.ccel.org/ccel/s/schmid/theology/cache/theology.txt accessed 10/8/2021, s.v. “Satan”.