The Truth About The Creation 
God's Glory, God's Handiwork, God's Word, The Genesis Account
A Dissertation by Pastor Ed Rice January 2017

3: A Time Warp Was Conceived by Albert Einstein

This is not a digression. The thesis was to demonstrate that God meant what he said about a six-day creation, in which he made the universe out of nothing. Now, it is pursued that he did it, just when he said he did it, 4,000 years before he sent his Only Begotten Son as the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world. Bear with this pursuit that space-time travel is not what "science-so-called" makes it out to be. Albert Einstein's theories of relativity insist that things are not as they appear. It will be well worth the effort to explore these theories in a little more depth.
Enter Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
One hundred years ago Albert Einstein spent his days pondering and developing what he published as the general theory of relativity. This theory has been comprehended by few, maligned by more, and wholly ignored by those who believe the super nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud happened 168,000 years ago. The existence and study of black-holes resurrects Einstein's neglected theory, and thrusts it anew into the focus of the true scientist. His theories reveal that time does indeed warp in the outer edges of space.
Albert Einstein was enthralled with gravity. There had to be a reason why the force of gravity and the force required to overcome inertia were identical forces acting on a mass. His special theory of relativity demonstrated that the speed of light was constant even when there was relative motion between its source and its receptors. He thus demonstrated that time is relative, and not a constant as previously assumed. When time is not fixed, but relative to a location, relative to a motion, and relative to the gravity present, everything in Newtonian physics and Euclidean geometry begins to take on a new and uncertain character. One cannot just ignore these new characteristics and pretend that light traveling from that Large Magellanic Cloud took 168,000 years to get here. three-dimensional space, gravity and mass all warp the speed of light, and thus time itself is not constant but experiences a warp in itself.
In the spring of 1998 Florida State University offered an astrophysics course that walked through a proof of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. That course demonstrated that his equations for relativity are valid and proven. The course material stated:
"After ten years of arduous intellectual searching, in 1915, Einstein succeeded, finally, in translating his profound physical intuitions about nature into a rigorous mathematical theory of free motion in curved space-times. Thus was born the General Theory of Relativity. Einstein's equations:

G m n = - (8 p G / c2 ) T m n
connect matter and energy (the right-hand side) with geometry of space-time (the left-hand side). Each superscript stands for one of the four coordinates of space time (x, y, z, t); so what looks like one equation is actually 4 x 4 = 16 equations. But some (equations) are repeated (and so) there are really (only) 10 equations. Contrast this with the single gravitational law of Newton! That alone gives a hint of the complexity of these equations. Indeed, they are amongst the most difficult equations in science. Happily, however, some exact solutions have been found."1

Suffice it to say that the Florida State University course went on to publish and explore the details of the 1916 Schwarzchild Solution, which computed the space time interval between any two nearby points, given an assumed distribution of matter and energy. Most readers will delight to hear that this dissertation will not delve any deeper into the mathematical jargon than is necessary for an introductory coverage. The purpose in this examination is to demonstrate that Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity has not been fully absorbed by science-so-called. For “nearby points, and an assumed distribution of matter and energy,” Schwarzchild has demonstrated this theory of relativity to be true. It is pertinent that for non-nearby points of deep space, a day might be as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a single day. Indeed for a Bible believer that is not only the likely result, it is a promise (2 Pet 3:8, Psalm90:4).2 (Be careful here; these verses have been taken out of context by those wishing to make a day of creation a much longer period of time. These verses have also been taken out of context by those denying the thousand year reign of Christ recorded in Revelation 20. In their proper context they are referencing God's perspective about time not God's communications about time.) A more in-depth examination of Albert Einstein's theories can be found in a later chapter.
Given just that amount of time warp, i.e. a day being a thousand years, the light from the February 23rd 1987 super nova in the Large Magellanic Cloud, supposed 168,000 light years away, would reach us in only 168 days. The light from Galaxy Andromeda II, supposed 2.13 million light years away, would reach us in a mere 2,130 days, or just under 5 years and 9 months. Just the threshold of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, gives a Bible believer ample cause to completely trust what God has revealed about a six-day creation that happened only 6,0193 years ago. Previously we contrasted two means of calculating the age of the Earth, Option A, where evidence in our own solar system carries the weight, and Option B, where the speed of light from distant galaxies carries the weight. Option A is still the best choice. It is, however, the least chosen by mankind in general.
Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, unites the speed of light, the tick of the clock, the relative velocities of space, and gravity's influence. All combine into one complex understanding. This is only the first step in realizing the possibility of great error in man's "scientific" age setting. Their age setting is based solely on the speed of light coming from distant galaxies. Einstein's theories make for a very significant first step in upsetting their apple-cart. These theories of relativity were completely side stepped by the atheistic evolutionist. Einstein's theories of special relativity, and general relativity have realized the existence of massive time warps in the universe. The atheistic evolutionists took these realizations and explored every conceivable notion about time travel and reaching distant galaxies with their sci-fy space adventures, but they barely considered4 that such time warps might muck up their speed of light dependence in their Earth dating methods.
The universe's age of four billion to fifteen billion years is the "sacred cow" of the atheistic evolutionist. It helps them digest the extreme notion that breeding beagles could produce a Clydesdale horse! Or lizards, a bald eagle! Those huge numbers soothe their concept that everything happened by random chance. Even the spontaneous generation of life from two rocks in a primeval sea might therein be called a theory. Indeed an organized universe springing from random chances must needs have billions of years to account for the one in a billion chance of its truth. What is more disconcerting in all this is that in the fifty years of their control of our government schools, they have a majority of Americans believing their unsubstantiated notions.
The Bible believer is perfectly justified in holding to a 6,019 year old Earth. All the evidences in our solar system support such a supposition. The only thing that supports the atheistic evolutionist's supposition about millions and billions of years is the speed of light perceived as approaching us from distant galaxies. Such approaching light, supposed to be traveling at c = 299,792,458 m / s for the whole distance, in actuality goes through time warps explored via the general theory of relativity.
Darkness on the face of matter created out of nothing, and the analysis of the black-hole has led to some pertinent conjecture about space and time. It is fitting to press this a little further. Einstein's two theories make time, space, matter and electromagnetic-gravitational energies so interrelated that science cannot perceive where one starts and another stops. That makes all of the atheistic evolutionist's concepts of eons of time a fairy tale at best. Such scientists will no more admit that, than would the Emperor's adviser admit his Emperor was on parade stark naked.5 Judging from the mocking, scoffing and slandering, leveled by Professor Colin Groves,6 of Australian National University, the atheistic evolutionist will never expose the exposed Emperor. But Albert Einstein's concepts cut even deeper into their myth.
A Bounded Universe Causes Even Greater Time Warps
Albert Einstein perceived a bounded finite universe. The atheistic evolutionist perceives an infinite, unbounded universe which exists by random chance. In mathematics the difference in a bounded problem and an unbounded problem is astronomical, no pun intended. The Holy Bible distinguishes three distinct heavens (Deut 10:14, Neh 9:6).7 The heaven where the clouds and birds fly (Deut 33:28, Job 35:5, Heb 1:108), the heavens where the stars camp out (Ps 8:3 Ps 104:29), and the heaven where God dwells in the fullness of his glory (2Ch 2:6, 6:18, 6:33, Ps 2:4, Ps 57:5, Ps 123:110). Some have thought that the latter observation confounded his omnipresence. It does not. He is present in every portion of his finite creation, but he is present in his full glory in the third heaven. The clarity pursued here, is that God is infinite, but the universe which he created is finite. The Bible believer should side with Albert Einstein's concept of a bounded universe, and reject the atheistic conjecture that the universe is both unbounded and infinite. This is an important realization mathematically, causing Albert Einstein's theories to make mathematical harmony with observable phenomena. It is also another milestone in justifying the believing faith in God's Word. Yet it makes the atheistic evolutionist's conjectures untenable.
The impact of a bounded universe is best understood by considering what must happen when a boundary is approached. In mathematics going through a boundary places one in what is called the world of imaginary numbers. After teaching algebra for 20 years, this author considers that title, "imaginary," to be misleading. The imaginary number, is indeed very real. It is just as real as Albert Einstein's ability to step off into a 4th, 5th, 6th and 10th dimension of space and time. When one begins to balance and solve mathematical equations they step off into an imaginary dimension in the early stages of their problem solving. In about AD 820 a Persian mathematician in Baghdad published The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing. That title in Arabic is pronounced "Algebra." It, as well as Arabic numerals, "grew up together." Algebra has demonstrated and justified a cause to jump from our secure three-dimensional world into the imaginary dimension, designated “i.” When one squares this imaginary term, or multiplies any two imaginary terms together, they pop back into the real dimensions of time and space. Algebra has been taking full advantage of this ability since 2,000 BC, when it was explored in the city of Babylon, in a land between two rivers, translated "Mesopotamia." The exploration of this imaginary dimension is explored further in the next chapter.
Ergo Albert Einstein's venture into this 10th dimension of space and time is not new, but his comprehension of it was unprecedented. His ability to teach such excursions into imaginary dimensions to university students was equally unprecedented. When Albert Einstein, therefore, concludes that one is operating in a bounded universe, it behooves every student of the cosmos to pay attention. The mathematician has even more cause to heed that declaration, having understood from the beginning how math folds in on itself and behaves in a non-linear fashion near any boundary condition.
Why then must the atheistic evolutionist reject the obvious bounding of our universe? If the universe is "created" by Random Chance, as they hypothesize, without a purposeful Creator, as they speculate, it must not be, yea it cannot be earthocentric,11 i.e. Earth is centric in the creation of the universe, it is the point where this unique creation centers its genesis and attention, and there is no other intelligence or life form in outer space which holds the attention of the Creator. Consider the non-earthocentric dilemma. If by random chance another "Goldilocks" planet exists in the millions of galaxies out there, let's say it is 1 million light years away, their Hubble Telescope peers out from their location and it must, of necessity, see from their perspective, the same universe that we see from our perspective. After all, they surmise, there is nothing unique about our perspective, it is just random chance, as is theirs. They, in their perspective, now look at another galaxy one million light years from theirs, two million light years from ours, and they ponder, "I wonder if there is intelligent life out there?" Of course, by the rule of random chance, their must be, else they themselves might be unique in all of the universe. Thus the atheistic evolutionist is forced by his Random Chance Creator, to establish nothing less than an unbounded infinite universe, even though that assumption begins to unravel the core theories of Albert Einstein and dismiss 4,000 years of algebra.
Consider some boundary conditions that might depict the mathematical warp of the universe.
Einstein's Mainstay E = mc2 And Its Boundary Conditions
There are almost incomprehensible transformations which take place when approaching a boundary condition. Consider two things about Albert Einstein's famous equation:
E = mc2
Where: E = energy
m = mass
c = speed of light
First consider that this equation12 provides the clearest illustration of these energy to matter and matter to energy transformations,13 and second, consider that one must approach the boundary of abstract reasoning before this makes sense. This author enjoys teaching math and science in high school and college because of the joy of seeing little lights go on when students comprehend a new concept. Math is not arithmetic, it is the art of abstract reasoning. Many have not wandered very deep into math so this illustration will be low on math and high on reasoning. It will still, however, require grappling with some abstractions. Such an exercise can be enlightening, but it can, for some, be intimidating. No matter the education or mathematical background, then, this illustration will walk towards the human boundary of abstract reasoning. It is good for the finite mind to explore its boundaries in this way.
“And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith” (Ecc 1:13).

Imagine a boundary between mass and energy, then look at Albert Einstein's famous equation again (see above). This equation tells us that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing. To some extent this was explored when we considered ex-nihilo creation. Mass is nothing more than a translated form of energy. Many have thought this equation, E = mc2, was well illustrated when a tiny ball of enriched plutonium was compressed so tightly that nuclear fission released enough energy to annihilate a small city. That gave a good example of how much energy is contained in a tiny mass, but it does not serve much purpose in exploring the boundary condition between mass and energy. Consider instead a pitcher throwing a baseball. That ball thrown at 100 mph has had its mass converted to energy.14 That kinetic15 energy can be measured with the equation,
ek = ½ m v2
where: ek is the kinetic energy of the ball,
m is the mass of the ball,
and v is the velocity of the ball.
In reality that ball has had a tiny bit of its mass converted into energy. Perhaps tiny-tiny should have been used here, but imagine that the ball, because of its velocity, has gotten ever so slightly smaller.
The fastest pitch ever recorded in major league baseball was 105.1 mph, on Sep 24th 2010. This illustration requires that one exceed Chapman's pitch to the San Diego Padres. Imagine the ball going 1,000 mph, or 447 meters / second. A baseball's mass is about 0.145 kg and the kinetic energy of the ball is:
ek = ½ (0.145 kg) (447 m/s)^2
ek = 14,488.7 kg m2 / s2
That may seem like a relatively large number, and one would not want to get hit by this pitch, but relative to the speed of light, which is a velocity which has no relativity,16 it is quite small.
Consider the speed of light to be approximately 448,900,000,000,000,000 mph. This speed of light is so imperceptible, and this number is so astronomically large, that there is a whole section in this work to annotate the amazing way it came to be accurately measured. The speed of light, however, is the boundary condition between mass and energy. When crossing that boundary, yea when approaching that boundary, mass is wholly transformed into energy. And coming back this way from that boundary, the boundary being the speed of light, energy can transform into mass, if, and only if, the creative forces are in place to form it into what one now considers elemental matter. A blundering fool can tear matter apart. Only a creative force can form it into the organized structure of atom or molecule, that is a creative art.17
For this very fast pitch there is only (v / c)2 converted from mass to energy. That is:
(v / c)^2 = (1000 / 448.9 x 10^15)^2 = 0.5 x 10^-30
(that is a decimal, thirty zeros, and a 5... which is a tiny-tiny number).
So at 1,000 mph, how much mass is converted to energy? Granted it is an imperceptible amount of mass which transforms to energy, however, the principle is intact. The baseball, at that speed, is smaller than it was when held in the pitchers hand. Now conceive that as the ball approaches the speed of light its mass is converted all the more to electromagnetic energy. And when it attains the speed of light it is no more a mass, it is completely transformed into electromagnetic energy. It may be helpful to recall that visible light itself is a small segment of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum. Infrared, ultraviolet, and radio waves are outside of that segment, but they are, just the same, electromagnetic energies. Also consider that gravity is an energy in this phenomena as well. Gravity is not included in this analysis per-se, because it is not yet understood as a radiating energy form.
This phenomena, where mass approaching the speed of light is converted to energy, was advanced when the quantum physics of light was explored. Light behaves like a wave on the one hand, and like a speeding tiny pebble of mass, called a photon, on the other hand. These two phenomena are at odds but both find their applications in our understanding. Consider then that light can be understood as a tiny particle which attains a speed of 449x10^15 mph, or c, and looses its properties of mass as it achieves the properties of the electromagnetic energy wave. In some instances it can still display the moving mass attribute, as it does when light collides with an electron in a photo electric cell, wherein the electron is ejected from its orbit.
The phenomena of mass transitioning into energy and energy transitioning into mass by crossing some boundary related to space and time (i.e. velocity) has occurred since the beginning of time. Einstein's theories of relativity just begin to bring it into a logical focus. The thesis being explored is that approaching and passing into these boundary conditions suspends the Newtonian and Gaussian laws of physics that we humans are accustomed to. Likewise when one leaves this solar system and enters into deep space, the understanding of time, speed, space and energy so intermingle that science cannot say with certainty that when an object appears to be 168 thousand light years away, its light takes 168 thousand years to get here. Neither can science say with any certainty whatsoever, that physical operations at the boundary of a finite universe react exactly as they do in our tiny little Cartesian coordinate system of space. In fact one can say with more certainty that they do not behave with our simplified rules.
One can see from this analysis that mass and energy are the same physical entity. There are laws which control this passing from one form to the other, E = mc2, M = m/(1-v2/c2)1/2, and these laws noticeably supersede our Newtonian and Gaussian laws we normally live in. There are boundaries where we cross out of our comfortable world and enter a world where our old laws are not relative. The speed of light marks a boundary, a critical mass marks a boundary, the measure of God's firmament has a boundary and even the passing of time must likewise have a boundary. The three continuums which God created are not infinite, they are bounded. Thus when approaching boundary conditions our simplified Newtonian physics, arranged in our simplified Cartesian coordinate systems must give way to the more profound and relative understandings. This is where Einstein's theories of relativity live and thrive. This is where science-so-called has its major shortfall. With the development of Einstein's theories we will hypothesize that it did not take the light coming from the 1987 supernova18 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), 168,000 years to travel to us even though it appears to be 168,000 light years away. To the atheistic, evolutionary, science-so-called Ph.D., this realization will be written off as nothing more than “smoke and mirrors.” But to the Bible believing born again Christian, who is indwelt with the Spirit of God, and possesses a belief in an inerrant, infallible, verbally inspired Word of God, the realization bolsters the knowledge that God says what he means and means what he says.
Many creationists spend much energy, contemplation, and verbose explanation on exactly how such a time dilation or time warping might have occurred. Bill Brown of Rocky Mountain Creation fellowship explains Dr. Humphrey's extensive work:
“One claims that the cosmic clock ticks much faster than the earth clock, due to concentration of gravity out in space, due to a huge amount of water “above the expanse.” In Humphreys’ cosmology, time on earth is stopped on Day 4 so that the starlight could arrive for Adam to see on Day 6.”

Such explanations are nothing short of genius, but they still fall short of a rational understanding of “how” the LORD God does what he does, and “how” he did what he did. Further they gender some ugly sectarian squabbles among Christians. It is enough, this work contends, to understand and believe in faith that God did what he said and said what he did. The tools to glimpse into just “how” he may have done a six day creation are herein alluded to, but the mechanics of it all are left to the more imaginative, and those should not wax dogmatic and gender more sectarianism. All need to realize more fully that “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork” (Psalm 19:1).
1 Florida State University, “Spring 1998 Course Catalog: AST 3033,” (accessed July 2014), 9-10.[Note the c2 is c4 in most versions of this equation and is likely a Florida State catalog typo here.]
2 2Pet 3:8 “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” Ps 90:4 “For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.”
3 The 6,019, allows AD 2016 plus Ussher's 4004 years BC, less 1 year because there is no zero BC in the Julian Calendar.
4 Bill Browning, Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship staff, personal correspondence, “The gravitational dilation of time effect of GR is well known. The real problem is the atheist assumption that the universe has no center and no edge, and uniform density, so the idea of a potential well where dilation might occur gets ground ruled out. The key characteristics of Humphrey’s cosmology is the cosmos has a Center. And a non-uniform distribution of matter, which has been verified by astronomers. (galaxies in spherical shells whose diameters are quantized.)”
5 Hans Christian Anderson, The Emperor’s new Clothes [by Danish author and poet, Hans Christian Andersen (AD 1805-1875) First published in 1837 currently Public Domain and repeated in entirety in the appendix of this work].
6 Groves, C., From Ussher to Slusher, from Archbish to Gish: or, not in a million years, 1996, Archeology in Oceania 31 (1996), 145-151.
7 Deu 10:14 “Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the LORD’S thy God, the earth also, with all that therein is.” Neh 9:6 “Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.”
8 De 33:28 “Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew.” Job 35:5 “Look unto the heavens, and see; and behold the clouds which are higher than thou.” Heb 1:10 ”And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:”
9 Ps 8:3 “When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;” ... Ps 104:2 “Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:”
10 2Ch 2:6 “But who is able to build him an house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? who am I then, that I should build him an house, save only to burn sacrifice before him?” 6:18 “But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth? behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house which I have built!” 6:33 “Then hear thou from the heavens, even from thy dwelling place...” Ps 2:4 “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.” Ps 57:5 “Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth.” Ps 123:1 ”«A Song of degrees.» Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens.”
11 Earthocentric is a word not yet found in a contemporary dictionary. It was likely first formed by "Trekers," devout and zealot fans of the science fiction "Start Trek" wherein Earth formed the Federation which thought itself the most advanced in evolutionary development. In real science it conveys that Earth is centric in the creation of the universe, it is the point where this unique creation centers its genesis and attention, and there is no other intelligence or life form in outer space which holds the attention of the Creator. The term does not necessitate that the earth is the physical center, with the Sun orbiting about Earth, as some have supposed in error, but that Earth is the epicenter, not the physical center.
12 Encyclopedia Britannica, s.v. “E=mc2”, E = mc2, equation in German-born physicist Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity that showed that the increased relativistic mass (m) of a body comes from the energy of motion of the body—that is, its kinetic energy (E)—divided by the speed of light squared (c2). This equation expresses the fact that mass and energy are the same physical entity and can be changed into each other. (accessed 09/23/2014).
13 Ibid., To better understand this equation consider that: 1. Know that the equation is simply about special relativity. Simply put, this equation tells us that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing. In the right condition, mass can turn into energy and energy can turn into mass. Here, ‘right condition’ refers to near-to-light-speed. Maybe, that is why we humans feel that it is difficult to perceive; because we humans are too slow in comparison to light. Light moves at a speed of roughly 670 million miles per hour, or approximately 186,282 miles per second.
2. To find out how much energy an object has, multiply the mass of the object by the square of the speed of light. But why multiply? That’s because, when mass is converted into energy, the resulting energy is by definition moving at the speed of light. Pure energy is electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic radiation moves at the speed of light in a perfect vacuum (visible light is one kind of electromagnetic wave that is commonly known and experienced).
3. Calculate the square of speed of light. This is important because of the nature of energy. When a body begins to move twice as fast as it’s moving now, it does not use twice as much energy, it uses four times as much. This is related to the formula of kinetic energy: kinetic energy= (1/2) x mass x velocity2; notice here that the velocity is squared. Because the square of the speed of light is a very large figure: around 448,900,000,000,000,000 in units of mph; even a small chunk of matter can produce a large amount of energy. s.v. “E=mc2” (accessed 09/23/2014).
14 In Albert Einstein's more exacting equations and descriptions, the m, physical mass, decreases as the M, relative mass increases, causing the transfer of mass (little m) into energy. In this simplified, but realistic description mass and size decrease as velocity increases.
15 American Heritage Dictionary s.v. “kinetic” ki·net·ic adj. Of, relating to, or produced by motion. John Strong, Strong's Concordance, s.v. Greek kin etikos, from kin etos, moving, from kinein, to move.
16 This is just a play on words. Einstein's theories of relativity declares that light is without relativity.
17 American Heritage Dictionary s.v. “art” art1 n. 1. Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature. 2.a. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium. b. The study of these activities. c. The product of these activities; human works of beauty considered as a group. 3. High quality of conception or execution, as found in works of beauty; aesthetic value. …
18 The 1987a supernova is the most photographed of all time. Before February 23rd , 1987 photographs show the super-giant star in the LMC. Ten days after February 23rd the brightness of billions of suns is photographed in the same spot, and four years after the supernova, photographs show the left over red star that remains today. The Georgia State University Physics Department describes this process, “A supernova is an explosion of a massive super giant star. It may shine with the brightness of 10 billion suns! ... The likely scenario is that fusion proceeds to build up a core of iron. The 'iron group' of elements around mass number A=60 are the most tightly bound nuclei, so no more energy can be gotten from nuclear fusion.
“In fact, either the fission or fusion of iron group elements will absorb a dramatic amount of energy - like the film of a nuclear explosion run in reverse. If the temperature increase from gravitational collapse rises high enough to fuse iron, the almost instantaneous absorption of energy will cause a rapid collapse to reheat and restart the process. Out of control, the process can apparently occur on the order of seconds … Electrons and protons fuse into neutrons, sending out huge numbers of neutrinos. The outer layers will be opaque to neutrinos, so the neutrino shock wave will carry matter with it in a cataclysmic explosion.” Georgia State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, , s.v. “Supernova” (accessed 11/05/2014).

To Continue in this series click the link below:
4: The Black-Hole. . . 62
. . . Black-Holes are Enlightening. . . 64
. . . In the beginning God….. . . 71
. . . Black Holes Expose World Views. . . 73
. . . Hungry for Relativity. . . 76

God's Glory, God's Handiwork, God's Word, The Genesis Account
Series Complete Table of Contents